Building existing R3.13.2 applications with R3.14

Gnumake clean uninstall

First do a "gnumake clean uninstall" to remove all files and directories created by earlier builds.

Copy application

Next make a copy of your existing R3.13.2 application and make all R3.14 changes to the copy. Once the application is changed to build with base R3.14, it will not build with earlier base releases.

Update target arch definitions

Change any target arch specification in config/CONFIG to new base R3.14 target arch specification. Look in the R3.14 base/bin to see the target arch names.

For example, in config/CONFIG change

In the iocBoot/*/Makefile files, change
ARCH=<old arch name>
ARCH=<new arch name>
and do a "gnumake" in the iocBoot directory to update the cdCommands files.

SNC changes

snc is no longer in base. If snc is used in your application, you must download and build the seq module with baseR3.14.
Add the line
SEQ = <full path to seq module directory>
to your application config/RELEASE file. Also seq has been renamed to seqLibrary.o so
LIBOBJS = $(SEQ_BIN)/seqLibrary.o

in your application src/Makefile.Vx files to link seq into your application library.
Then remove

ld < seq
lines from the st.cmd files in the iocBoot sub directories.

iocCore changes

iocCore has been renamed to iocCoreLibrary.o.
LIBOBJS = $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/iocCoreLibrary.o
in your application src/Makefile.Vx files to link iocCore into your application library.
Also remove
ld < iocCore
from the st.cmd files in the iocBoot subdirectories.

Library db changes

The Db library name was changed to dbStaticHost for host builds and dbStaticIoc for ioc builds.
in your application src/Makefile.Host files.

VxWorks C++ munched libraries and object files

Since R3.14 contains C++ code, the build rules were changed to create a corresponding munched file for every vx object file built. The objects files can be combined to form libraries but the munched files must be loaded into vxWorks. Change "ld <  *Lib" lines to "ld <  *Library.munch"  in the st.cmd files in iocBoot subdirectories. Also add the suffix ".munch" to the ld lines where object files were previously loaded. For example
ld < exampleLib
ld < exampleLibrary.munch
in  your st.cmd file.

recGbl calls

You may need to add the line  "#include "recGbl.h" to any source files that have recGbl* calls so that the file will compile without errors.

Record support changes

The steppermotor, scan, and pid records are no longer in base. If your application does not use these record types, comment out or remove references to them in base.dbd and baseLIBOBJS. If these record types are used by your application you must download and build the modules with R3.14 base, add appropriate module definitions to your application's config/RELEASE fileand change the LIBOBJS definitions. For example
PID=<full path to modules directory>/pid
to config/RELEASE.
LIBOBJS += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/pidRecord.o
from baseLIBOBJS,
and add
LIBOBJS += $(PID_BIN)/pidRecord.o
to your application src/Makefile.

You should consider changing any existing old steppermotor records to the new EPICS  motor record  module supported by Beamline Controls and Data Acquisition at APS.

RecDynLink.o and devPtSoft changes

recDynLink.o and devPtSoft.o are no longer in base. Remove references to them in base.dbd and baseLIBOBJS if they are not used in application.

Hardware support changes

All hardware support (dev, drv and dbd files) has been unbundled from base R3.14. This support includes the files symb.dbd, drvHp1404a.o, drvEpvxiMsg.o, and drvEpvxi.o.  If they are not used in your application, comment out references to these files in base.dbd and baseLIBOBJS.

Hardware support files now exist as separate modules available for download from the EPICS www home page at ANL. You must now download all the hardware support modules needed for your application, build the modules with R3.14 base,  add the appropriate module full path definitions to your application config/RELEASE file, and change LIBOBJS location definition $(EPICS_BASE_BIN) to the module definition bin directory in your application src directory files.

For example, remove

from baseLIBOBJS and add 
to your application src/Makefile,
and add the line
SYMB=<full path definition for the built module SYMB>
 into your application config/RELEASE file .

After a gnumake in the symb module followed by a gnumake in the application config directory, the definitions SYMB_BIN and SYMB_LIB will be created,  the directory $(SYMB)/include will be added to the include directories on the compiler command lines  (in the INSTALL_INCLUDES definition)  and the directory $(SYMB)/dbd will be added to the dbd search directories on the dbExpand command lines (in the INSTALL_DBDFLAGS definition).

dbLoadtemplate tool changes

The host tool dbLoadTemplate has been replace by a new extension, msi. dbLoadTemplate is still supported on iocs. Build the msi extension with base R3.14 and change definitions the following definitions in your application files.

In config/RULES.Db replace the line

and change line:
@$(MSI) $< > $@
Also add the definition
EPICS_EXTENSIONS=<full path name to epics extensions directory>
to your application config/RELEASE file.