msi: Macro Substitution and Include Tool


msi is a general purpose macro substitution/include tool. It accepts as input an ascii template file. It looks for lines containing two reserved command names: include and substitute. It also looks for and performs substitutions on macros of the form $(var) and ${var}. It uses the macLib routines from EPICS Base to perform the substitutions, so it also accepts the default value and value definition syntax that macLib implements.

msi also allows substitutions to be specified via a separate substitution file. This substitution file allows the same format as the substitution files accepted by the EPICS IOC's dbLoadTemplate command.

Command Syntax:

msi -V -g -D -ooutfile -Idir -Msubs -Ssubfile template

All parameters are optional. The -o, -I, -M, and -S switches may be separated from their associated value string by spaces if desired. Output will be written to stdout unless the -o option is given.

Switches have the following meanings:

Verbose warnings; if this parameter is specified then any undefined macro discovered in the template file which does not have an associated default value is considered an error. An error message is generated, and when msi terminates it will do so with an exit status of 2.
When this flag is given all macros defined in a substitution file will have global scope and thus their values will persist until a new value is given for this macro. This flag is provided for backwards compatibility as this was the behavior of previous versions of msi, but it does not follow common scoping rules and is discouraged.
Output dependency information suitable for including by a Makefile to stdout instead of performing the macro substitutions. The -o option must be given to specify the target name for the dependency rules. Other options should be given exactly as will be used in the macro substitution process.
-o file
Output will be written to the specifed file rather than to the standard output.
-I dir
This parameter, which may be repeated or contain a colon-separated (or semi-colon separated on Windows) list of directory paths, specifies a search path for include commands. For example:
msi -I /home/mrk/examples:. -I.. template
specifies that all named files should be searched for in the following locations in the order given:
  1. /home/mrk/examples
  2. . (the current directory)
  3. .. (the parent of the current directory)
-M substitutions
This parameter specifies macro values for the template instance. Multiple macro values can be specified in one substitution parameter, or in multiple -M parameters. For example:
msi -M "a=aval,b=bval" -Mc=cval template
specifies that in the template file each occurrence of:
$(a) or ${a} is replaced by aval
$(b) or ${b} is replaced by bval
$(c) or ${c} is replaced by cval
-S subfile
The substitution file. See below for format.
The input file. If no file is specified then input is taken from stdin, i.e. msi can be used as a filter. See below for a description of commands that can be embedded in the template file.

It is not possible to display usage by just typing msi since executing the command with no arguments is a valid command. To show usage specify an illegal switch, e.g.

msi -help

Exit Status

Can't open/create file, or other I/O error.
Undefined macros encountered with the -V option specified.

Template File Format

This file contains the text to be read and written to the output after macro substitution is performed. If no file is given then input is read from stdin. Variable instances to be substituted by macro values are expressed in the template using the syntax $(name) or ${name}. The template can also provide default values to be used when a macro has not been given a value, using the syntax $(name=default) or ${name=default}.

For example, using the command

msi -M name=Marty template

where the file template contains

My name is $(name)
My age is $(age=none of your business)

results in this output:

My name is Marty
My age is none of your business

Macro variables and their default values can be expressed in terms of other macros if necessary, to almost any level of complexity. Recursive definitions will generate warning messages on stderr and result in undefined output.

The template file is read and processed one line at a time, where the maximum length of a line before and/or after macro expansion is 1023 characters — longer input or output lines will cause msi to fail. Within the context of a single line, macro expansion does not occur when the variable instance appears inside a single-quoted string, or where the dollar sign $ is preceded by a back-slash character \, but as with the standard Unix shells, variables inside double quoted strings are expanded properly.

However neither back-slash characters nor quotes of either variety are removed when generating the output file, so depending on what is being output the single quote behaviour may not be useful and may even be a hinderance. It cannot be disabled in the current version of msi.

Template file commands

In addition to the regular text and variable instances described above, the template file may also contain commands which allow the insertion of other template files and the ability to set macro values inside the template file itself. These commands are:

include "file"
substitute "var=value,var=value,..."

Lines containing commands must be in one of these forms:

White space is allowed before and after the command verb, and after the quoted string. If embedded quotes are needed, the backslash character \ can be used as an escape character. For example

substitute "a=\"val\""

specifies that (unless a is subsequently redefined) wherever a $(a) macro appears in the template below this point, the text "val" (including the double quote characters) will appear in the output instead.

If a line does match either syntax above it is just passed to macLib for processing without any notification. Thus the input line:

include "myfile" #include file

would just be passed to macLib, i.e. it would not be considered an include command.

As an example of these commands, let the Unix command be:

msi template

and file includeFile contain:

first name is ${first}
family name is ${family}

and template is

substitute "first=Marty,family=Kraimer"
include "includeFile"
substitute "first=Irma,family=Kraimer"
include "includeFile"

then the following is written to the output.

first name is Marty
family name is Kraimer
first name is Irma
family name is Kraimer

Note that the IOC's dbLoadTemplate command does not support the substitute syntax in template files, although the include syntax is supported.

Substitution File Format

The optional substitution file has three formats: regular, pattern, and dbTemplate format. We will discuss each separately.

Regular format

global {gbl_var1=gbl_val1, gbl_var2=gbl_val2, ...}
{var1=set1_val1, var2=set1_val2, ...}
{var2=set2_val2, var1=set2_val1, ...}
global {gbl_var1=gbl_val3, gbl_var2=gbl_val4, ...}
{var1=set3_val1, var2=set3_val2, ...}
{var2=set4_val2, var1=set4_val1, ...}

The template file is output with macro substitutions performed once for each set of braces containing macro replacement values.

Pattern format

global {gbl_var1=gbl_val1, gbl_var2=gbl_val2, ...}
pattern {var1, var2, ...}
{set1_val1, set1_val2, ...}
{set2_val1, set2_val2, ...}
pattern {var2, var1, ...}
global {gbl_var1=gbl_val3, gbl_var2=gbl_val4, ...}
{set3_val2, set3_val1, ...}
{set4_val2, set4_val2, ...}

This produces the same result as the regular format example above.

dbLoadTemplate Format

This format is an extension of the format accepted by the EPICS IOC command dbLoadTemplate, and allows templates to be expanded on the host rather by using dbLoadTemplate at IOC boot time.

global {gbl_var1=gbl_val1, gbl_var2=gbl_val2, ...}
file templatefile {
    pattern format or regular format
file "${WHERE}/template2" {
    pattern format or regular format

For the dbTemplate format, the template filename does not have to be given on the command line, and is usually specified in the substitutions file instead. If a template filename is given on the command line it will override the filenames listed in the substitutions files.

Syntax for all formats

A comment line may appear anywhere in a substitution file, and will be ignored. A comment line is any line beginning with the character #, which must be the very first character on the line.

Global definitions may supplement or override the macro values supplied on the command-line using the -M switch, and set default values that will survive for the remainder of the file unless another global definition of the same macro changes it.

For definitions within braces given in any of the file formats, a separator must be given between items. A separator is either a comma, or one or more of the standard white space characters (space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab or vertical tab).

Each item within braces can be an alphanumeric token, or a double-quoted string. A back-slash character \ can be used to escape a quote character needed inside a quoted string. These three sets of substitutions are all equivalent:

{a=aa b=bb c="\"cc\""}

Within a substitutions file, the file name may appear inside double quotation marks; these are required if the name contains certain characters or environment variable macros of the form ${ENV_VAR} or $(ENV_VAR), which will be expanded before the file is opened.

Regular substitution example

Let the command be:

msi -S substitute template

The file template contains

first name is ${first}
family name is ${family}

and the file substitute is

global {family=Kraimer}

The following is the output produced:

first name is Marty
family name is Kraimer
first name is Irma
family name is Kraimer

Pattern substitution example

Let the command be:

msi -S pattern template

The file pattern contains

pattern {first,last}

and template is the same as the previous example:

first name is ${first}
family name is ${family}

This is the output:

first name is Marty
family name is Kraimer
first name is Irma
family name is Kraimer

dbTemplate example

Let the command be
msi -S xxx.substitutions
xxx.substitutions is
file template {
pattern {first,last}
pattern {last,first}
file template {
template is the same as in the previous example..

The following is written to the output

first name is Marty
family name is Kraimer
first name is Irma
family name is Kraimer
first name is Bill
last name is Smith
first name is Mary
last name is Smith
first name is Marty
family name is Kraimer
first name is Irma
family name is Kraimer