EPICS Component Reference Manual

EPICS Reference: Long String Output Record (lso)

The long string output record is used to write an arbitrary ASCII string with a maximum length of 65535 characters.

This record type was included in base.dbd beginning with epics-base .

Parameter Fields

The record-specific fields are described below, grouped by functionality.

Scan Parameters

The long string output record has the standard fields for specifying under what circumstances it will be processed. These fields are listed in Scan Fields.

Desired Output Parameters

The long string output record must specify from where it gets its desired output string. The first field that determines where the desired output originates is the output mode select (OMSL) field, which can have two possible values: closed_loop or supervisory. If closed_loop is specified, the VAL field's value is fetched from the address specified in the Desired Output Link field (DOL) which can be either a database link or a channel access link. If supervisory is specified, DOL is ignored, the current value of VAL is written, and VAL can be changed externally via dbPuts at run-time.

The maximum number of characters in VAL is given by SIZV, and cannot be larger than 65535.

DOL can also be a constant instead of a link, in which case VAL is initialized to the constant value. Most simple string constants are likely to be interpreted as a CA link name though. To initialize a string output record it is simplest to set the VAL field directly; alternatively use a JSON constant link type in the DOL field.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
VALCurrent ValueSTRING or CHAR[SIZV]No YesYesYes
SIZVSize of buffersUSHORTYes41YesNoNo
DOLDesired Output LinkINLINKYes YesYesNo
OMSLOutput Mode SelectMENU (menuOmsl)Yes YesYesNo

Output Specification

The output link specified in the OUT field specifies where the long string output record is to write its string. The link can be a database or channel access link. If the OUT field is a constant, no output will be written.

In addition, the appropriate device support module must be entered into the DTYP field.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
OUTOutput SpecificationOUTLINKYes YesYesNo
DTYPDevice TypeDEVICEYes YesYesNo

Monitor Parameters

These parameters are used to specify when the monitor post should be sent by the monitor() routine. There are two possible choices:

APST is used for archiver monitors and MPST for all other type of monitors.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
MPSTPost Value MonitorsMENU (menuPost)Yes YesYesNo
APSTPost Archive MonitorsMENU (menuPost)Yes YesYesNo

Operator Display Parameters

See Fields Common to All Record Types for more on the record name (NAME) and description (DESC) fields.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
NAMERecord NameSTRING [61]No YesNoNo
DESCDescriptorSTRING [41]Yes YesYesNo

Alarm Parameters

The long string input record has the same alarm parameters common to all record types. Alarm Fields lists the fields related to alarms that are common to all record types.

The IVOA field specifies an action to take when the INVALID alarm is triggered. When Set output to IVOV, the value contained in the IVOV field is written to the output link during an alarm condition. See Invalid Output Action Fields for more information on the IVOA and IVOV fields.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
IVOAINVALID Output ActionMENU (menuIvoa)Yes YesYesNo
IVOVINVALID Output ValueSTRING [40]Yes YesYesNo

Run-time Parameters

The old value field (OVAL) of the long string input record is used to implement value change monitors for VAL. If VAL is not equal to OVAL, then monitors are triggered. LEN contains the length of the string in VAL, OLEN contains the length of the string in OVAL.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
OVALPrevious ValueSTRING or [SIZV]No YesNoNo

Simulation Mode Parameters

The following fields are used to operate the record in simulation mode.

If SIMM (fetched through SIML) is YES, the record is put in SIMS severity and the value is written through SIOL. SSCN sets a different SCAN mechanism to use in simulation mode. SDLY sets a delay (in sec) that is used for asynchronous simulation processing.

See Output Simulation Fields for more information on simulation mode and its fields.

FieldSummaryTypeDCT DefaultReadWriteCA PP
SIMLSimulation Mode linkINLINKYes YesYesNo
SIMMSimulation ModeMENU (menuYesNo)No YesYesNo
SIOLSimulation Output LinkOUTLINKYes YesYesNo
SIMSSimulation Mode SeverityMENU (menuAlarmSevr)Yes YesYesNo
SDLYSim. Mode Async DelayDOUBLEYes-1.0YesYesNo
SSCNSim. Mode ScanMENU (menuScan)Yes65535YesYesNo

Device Support Interface

The record defines a device support entry table type lsodset in the generated lsoRecord.h file as follows:

 typedef struct lsodset {
     dset common;
     long (*write_string)(struct lsoRecord *prec);
 } lsodset;
 #define HAS_lsodset

The support module must set common.number to at least 5, and provide a pointer to its write_string() routine; the other function pointers may be NULL if their associated functionality is not required for this support layer. Most device supports also provide a common.init_record() routine to configure the record instance and connect it to the hardware or driver support layer.

Device Support for Soft Records

Device support for DTYP Soft Channel is provided for writing values to other records or other software components.

Device support for DTYP stdio is provided for writing values to the stdout, stderr, or errlog streams. INST_IO addressing @stdout, @stderr or @errlog is used on the OUT link field to select the desired stream.

EPICS Component Reference Manual