Following are some typical answers to problems encountered by users.

> _____
> question:
> How to load the channel access ezcaIDL package into IDLDE ?

To access the channel access functions in IDLDE for IDL 5.2 or 
newer a user has to source in the Unix script file
first before startup the idlde. The ezcaidl_setup will properly 
setup the EZCA_IDL_SHARE and IDL_STARTUP environment variables. 
A user should be able to access all the IDL programs released 
under /usr/local/epics/extensions/bin/solaris directory.

> _____
> action:
> Operator aborted the data catcher
> get:
> Catcher failed to read 1D scan data, the operator can not access the
> 1D scan data at all

This is due to the corrupted index file found by catcher. The operator
can remove the index file and run catcher again. If the 1D scan data
is not corrupted the data catcher will create a new index file and 
everything should work fine. 

Starting from catcher R2.2.2c there is a new entry FixIndexFile in the
File menu. If the 1D scan data is also corrupted then a user first 
has to use the File->FixIndexFile entry from the File menu. It may 
takes couple minutes to generate a new index file for a big 1D scan 
file which contains many 1D scans. Then everything should work fine
with this new index file.

> _____
> question:
> How to fix the corrupted 1D scan file?
> Catcher failed to read 1D scan data, the operator can not access the
> 1D scan data at all even with the index file removed.

This indicates the very last scan data saved is corrupted. A user has to
try the above fixIndexFile method first, if it still failed, then try 
this fix scan data set method.  This method throws away scan data after 
the scan # entered by user. If user is not sure please contact 
[email protected] before trying this method.

A user can fixed the 1D scan file by following step:

	rm catch1d.config       Delete the startup configuration file 
	cd data_directory       Go to scan data directory

	catcher -D		Start the IDL developer version
	CNTL-C                  Get IDL prompt
			        IDL will print a list of scan numbers
			        successfully read in 
			        Discard bad data after scan # 
		  	        Backup original to 'catch1d_filename.bk'

> _____
> action:
> Operator abort a 1D scan 
> get:
> Catcher complains some of PV names are not found and Data catcher 
> sometimes failed to save scan data 

This is due to the newer version (4.02) of scan record has not posted the
scan data array when data catcher is ready to get the scan data from the
aborted 1D scan record. To get around this problem, the operator can 
manually get the scan data by selecting the entry File->GetScanData + Save... 
from the File Menu.

When next generation of scan record is available, this problem will 
be automatically fixed in data catcher. 

> _____
> action:
> Operator changes the positioner settings in MEDM screen
> get:
> Catcher complains some of PV names are not found.
> The intermediate messages could not be read by the user.

Whenever you enter new positioner name or any positioner/
detector name fields been changed in the scan record, 
the environment file will be re-read by the data catcher. 

The problem is caused by the 'cagetArray' failed
on a list of PVnames from a bad 'catch1d.env' file.
There must be some PVnames defined in your 'catch1d.env' file
are not found from your IOC network. To get rid of this problem
you have to modify catch1d.env to correct the errors first.
If you don't need to save the values of the environment file
at all you may move away the 'catch1d.env' to 'old.catch1d.env', 
then your problem should go away.

I have modified data catcher R2.2.2b which will eliminate the
second message popup and let you see the list of PV names not found.

> _____
> action:
> In catcher do File:close
> get:
> Warning: The corresponding index file is not found !!
>          Use the ViewData->1D ... menu to create it

When you try the File->Close in data catcher, it tries to
use the default file name 'catch1d.trashcan' and tries to
find out what is the last scan # for the file. If it did
not find the index file then it will pop up this message. 

In newer version R2.2.2b, it will check for the existence 
of index file only if the 'catch1d.trashcan' is found.

> _____
> action:  try to display image number 18 in file
> /home/sricat/S2IDB/data/sxm/sep98/DEC9-15d
> get:
> % XMANAGER: Caught unexpected error from client application. Message
> follows...
> % Conflicting data structures: structure tag,X.
> % Execution halted at:  SCANIMAGE_READ_RECORD       
> %                       VIEWSCANIMAGE_NEXT       
> %                       MAIN13_2_EVENT         
> %                       XMANAGER_EVLOOP_STANDARD       
> %                       XMANAGER               
> %                       CATCHER_V1             
> %                       MAIN                   
> %                       $MAIN$                 
> % XMANAGER: Caught unexpected error from client application. Message
> follows...
> % Conflicting data structures: structure tag,X.
> % Execution halted at:  SCANIMAGE_READ_RECORD       
> %                       VIEWSCANIMAGE_LAST       
> %                       MAIN13_2_EVENT         
> %                       XMANAGER_EVLOOP_STANDARD       
> %                       XMANAGER               
> %                       CATCHER_V1             
> %                       MAIN                   
> %                       $MAIN$ 
> We looked into this problem before.  I don't think I sent you this error 

I rechecked your image file. I found out for the 2D scan #18 in the 
image file it was not saved correctly the X vector and Y vector are
not saved for the 2D scan #18, which I don't know why that happened.
May be it is caused by the operator error.  

You should try to use 'toimage' to extract #18 and #19 2D images.
If you have problem please let me know.  

> _____
> action: 
> Unselect detector 2 from catcher display
> get:
> Warning: Maybe no data available for x-axis P1 array
> _____

This info happens when there is no values of X-axis found for
the scan or no data has been loaded into data catcher yet.
It tells you may be something wrong with your data for that
scan. You may try to select the Xaxis with "#" option, check
whether there are real data associated with the scan.

> action:
> In 2D data viewer, zoom to window, then print
> get:
> Don't get axes with zoom window limits, but default 0 to 100 for y.
> _____
> action:  Set image display range to user scaled.  Click cursor to get
> x,y values in image.
> get:
> error message "Cursor outside the image range for user defined image
> display scale when clicking to find x,y."
> When image is autoscaled, it works.

The zoom window limits will only works with 'Pixel By User' value
and 'Plot vs Values' settings.  Where the coordinate system is 