Extended IDL Help


At APS this program is installed in the /usr/local/epics/extensions/idllib directory for EPICS R3.14. This is a general purpose of 1D multi-line plot package.

List of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]

       This routine provides a general purpose flexible cartesion plot
       package.  It provides simple to use automatic feature of labels,
       legend, comment, line style, symbols, and color options on plot.

       The window generated by this routine will be resizable by the 
       window manager. 

       Depress the 'Print' button will generate a postscript copy of the

       Normally it accepts two parameters X and Y. If the first parameter
       is not used then the data array is plotted on the ordinate versus 
       the point number on the abscissa.  Multiple curves (or variables) 
       can be stacked into the second parameter as a two dimensional array, 
       the first dimension gives the number of data points in each curve,
       the second dimension gives the number of curves to be plotted.



       PLOT1D, [X,] Y [,ID_TLB]  [,ID_DRAW]

       X:      The vector array for X abscissa.

       Y:      The Y data array for curve plot. The Y array can contain
               more than one curve, the first dimension gives the number
               of data to be plotted for the curve, the second dimension
               gives the number of curves to be plotted.
       TITLE:  Set this keyword to specify the plot title string.

       XTITLE: Set this keyword to specify the xtitle string.

       YTITLE: Set this keyword to specify the ytitle string.

       COLOR:  Set this keyword to specify the color number used
               in the plot routine.

       FACTOR: Set the curve multiplication factor for the Y vector, default 1.

      CURVFIT: Set this keyword if two curves are plotted, first curve
               is the fitted curve, the second curve is data to be fitted. 

       SYMBOL: Set this keyword to specify data plotted as symbol, set to -1
               data plot as symbol and connected with line.

       XLOG:   Set this keyword to specify a logrithmic X axis.

       YLOG:   Set this keyword to specify a logrithmic Y axis.

       XRANGE: Set this keyword to specify the desired data range for 
               the X axis.

       YRANGE: Set this keyword to specify the desired data range for 
               the Y axis.

       XMARGIN: Set this keyword to specify the left and right margin, 
                default xmargin=[10,3]

       YMARGIN: Set this keyword to specify the bottom and top margin 
                default ymargin=[5,3]

       CHARSIZE:Set this keyword to specify the charsize

       THICK:   Set this keyword to specify the line thickness for the
                axes and the line plot. 

       LINESTYLE:  Set this keyword to turn on different line style used. 

       XSTYLE:  Set this keyword to control x axis in IDL plot routine. 

       YSTYLE:  Set this keyword to control y axis in IDL plot routine. 

       LEGEND:  Set the legend strings corresponding to curves drawn.

       XYLEGEND: Set the x,y location of the legend strings, % from the
                 lower left corner from the graph window, default 
                 xylegend=[0.83, 0.60].

       COMMENT:  Set this keyword to write any footnotes on the graph.

       STAMP:  Set this keyword to put the time stamp and user ID on the page. 

       WTITLE: Set this keyword to specify the window title string,
               default to 'Plot1d'.

       WIDTH:  The initial window width at the creation time, which 
               default to 350 pixel.
       HEIGHT: The initial window height at the creation time, which 
               default to 350 pixel.

       GROUP:  The widget ID of the group leader of the widget. If this
               keyword is specified, the death of the group leader results 
               in the death of PLOT1D.

       DATA:   Set this keyword if an xdisplayfile data button is desired
       REPORT: Set this keyword if an xdisplayfile report button is desired
               It specifies the report file name to be displayed.

       BUTTON: Set this keyword if no print and close buttons are desired
               for the PLOT1D widget.

       CLEANUP: Set this keyword if the created window can no be closed by the
                window manager is desired.

       BGREVS:  Reverse background color 

       OVERLAY: Speicify whether overlay option desired

       ID_TLB: The widget ID of the top level base returned by the PLOT1D. 

       ID_DRAW: The widget ID of the drawing area used by the PLOT1D. 


       If more than one curves are stored in the Y array, it automatically
       uses different color for each curve. If the color keyword is set
       by the user, then the specified color will be used for the whole plot. 

       It is assumed that the X position array is the same for multiple
       curve plot. 

       Create a resizable line plot without any title or label 

           x = !pi * indgen(100)/25
           PLOT1D, x, sin(x)

       Create a resizable line plot with title specifications. 

           PLOT1D, x, sin(x), title='title', xtitle='xtitle', ytitle='ytitle'

       Plot two curves with different linestyle and legend at default location.

           y(0,0)=sin(x * !pi / 50)
           y(0,1)=cos(x * !pi / 50)

       Same as the above example plus symbol and a specified legend location.

           y(0,0)=sin(x * !pi / 50)
           y(0,1)=cos(x * !pi / 50)
           PLOT1D,x,y,/linestyle,symbol=-1, $
              legend=['line1','line2'], xylegend=[0.5,0.9]

       Plot x,y array plus two lines of comment and a time stamp on the graph.
           PLOT1D,x,y,comment=['Comment line1','Comment line2'],/stamp

       Written by:     Ben-chin K. Cha, Mar. 7, 1996.

       04-26-96 bkc   Add the window cleanup keyword 
       10-28-96 bkc   Add the xstyle and ystyle keywords 
       07-01-97 bkc   Comment out LOADCT,39 inherit color from parent process 
       08-11-97 bkc   Add the curvfit support, only two curves allowed 
       12-22-97 bkc   Add the 24 bit color visual device support 
       09-04-98 bkc   Fix the plot problem due to ymax eq ymin
       09-19-99 bkc   Support plot1d various plot options
                      Support the multiple scatter plot
                      Add the support of report, factor, charsize keywords
       11-19-99 bkc   Support auto-scaled/user-specified X,Y plot ranges
                      Add multiple list selection of curves
       02-12-01 bkc   Support 'plot1d.txt' data report option
       03-09-01 bkc   Default white backgrund color
                      Print button dum the screen plot by using TVRD
                      PS Plot button generates PS plot output 
       02-18-02 bkc   Add option of NPT slider to specify the last of the 
                      data points to be plotted for each curve
       05-01-02 bkc   Add FWHM_Y, FWHM_DY, Fitting, Statistic buttons
                      Check for 24 bit display
                      Add bgrevs keyword
                      Check for incomplete color table size case 
                      Check for scattering data 1D plot 
       04-01-04 bkc   Support both PseudoColor and TrueColor devices
                      Add ITOOL... dialog for falling iplot
       06-03-04 bkc   Add overlay option to plot1d setup dialog

(See plot1d.pro)