User's Reference Guide for toImage

by Ben-chin Cha (05/18/98)

ToImage provides the IDL data catcher user with a method of re-constructing the 2D images if the images did not get saved during 2D scan. At the normal operation of the data catcher user never needs to run this program. The 2D images are automatically saved at the end of 2D scan. Only when the 2D scan obnormally terminated during the 2D scan such as workstation died or rebooted during the 2D scan.


A user should never use this program while the scan is going on. A user never need to run this program unless absolutely necessary to reconstruct a new 2D image file due to system went down during 2D scan.

I recommand that the user always preview the image first before append the images to an output file. For data integrity, a user better create new image files in a different directory instead of the original data directory.


To access the toImage program on Unix system just enter the following
command on the Unix prompt:


The complete system consists of two components: toimage and 

toimage     -  a unix script file, it automatically sets up the IDL 
               and runs the IDL -  an IDL widget application, it reads 1D scans and
               reconstruct 2D images according to entered 1D scan range.
               It calls the data catcher program to let the user 
               examining the 1D scans to figure out the range of 1D scans 
               which corresponds to a given 2D scan.

A user has to make sure that the same input 1D file is opened by the toImage and catcher respectively.

File  - uses the file selection dialog to select a 1D catcher data
	which can be native / XDR binary format 

BIN/XDR  -  droplist shows the binary type of the picked file

Infile   -  text field shows the file name picked / entered

Y-PV     -  optional text field shows the Y scan name 

Start #  -  1D scan # at y(0) for a given 2D scan starts
            When this field is entered with the  the droplist
            of Images will be changed to ViewOnly again to let the 
	    user preview the image first. If a user wants to save the
	    image to the output file, he/she has to explicitly reselect
	    the Append / CreateNew option 

End #    -  1D scan # for a given 2D scan ends

Images: ViewOnly/Append/CreateNew  - droplist shows the image mode 
      ViewOnly  - only show 2D TV images of each detector 
                  extracted from the input file
      Append    - show 2D TV images and append the images 
                  to the outfile
      CreateNew - show 2D TV images and create/append the images 
		  to the outfile

Merge: No/Yes  - droplist determines whether 2D scans to be merged 
      No -   Only one 2D scan allows
      Yes -  Merge multiple 2D scans images into one single image

Out Image File - enter the output image file name, the name will 
                 be automatically appended by the suffix '.image'.  
                 The user is responsible for the uniqueness and 
                 integrity of the file entered

Accept   -  depending on the image mode selected, it reads 1D data, 
            displays 2D images, saves the image file accordingly

Cancel   -  close the toImage program