Industry Pack modules

Industry Pack modules are small "daughter" boards that attach to either a VME controller or an IP-carrier board. As many as 4 IP boards can fit on a carrier, greatly increasing the flexibility of I/O options and processing power of a VME system. For example, compute-intensive operations like serial communications can be run on their own VME processor board, thereby reducing the load on the main crate processor.

That being said, we no longer support the "2-processor" solution here at the APS beamlines. It became a maintenance and support nightmare. We now rely on the (awesome) power of the MVME5100 board to run all crate I/O, including IP boards on a processor-less IP carrier.

All of the boards represented in these pages are supported by EPICS and have been used in APS beamlines running the "synApps" beamline specific EPICS application software.

Note: prices on these pages are probably out of date and might be completely wrong. Please check with the vendor before you buy.

8/25/06 kag