Here's a sample MEDM display of some of the the aCalcout record fields.
The number of elements actually used is specified as NUSE. The value of NUSE will forced into the range 0,NELM (inclusive). If NUSE==0, the record will take it as NELM.
When a CA client connects to an array, the acalcout record can tell the client that the array size is either NELM, or NUSE, depending on the setting of the SIZE field, which takes values "NELM" and "NUSE". "NELM" is the default, and it's the safer choice. "NELM" is less efficient than "NUSE", in some cases. If SIZE is set to "NUSE", the CA connection must be broken and reestablished when the NUSE field increases.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor |
NELM | Number of allocated array elements | DBF_ULONG | Yes | 1 | Yes | No | N/A |
NUSE | Number of array elements actually to be used | DBF_ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SIZE | Specified whether NELM or NUSE is the array size declared to clients | MENU("NELM","NUSE") | Yes | "NELM" | Yes | Yes | N/A |
See the EPICS Record Reference Manual for information on how to specify database links.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor |
INPA | Input Link A | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A |
INPB | Input Link B | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INPL | Input Link L | INLINK | Yes | 0 | No | No | N/A |
INAA | Input Link AA | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A |
INBB | Input Link BB | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INLL | Input Link LL | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A |
The CALC expression is converted to opcodes and stored in postfix
notation in the RPCL field. It is the postfix expression which is actually
evaluated when the record processes. When the CALC field is changed at
run-time, the record-support routine special()
calls a function
to check it and convert it to postfix.
The record also has a second set of calculation-related fields described in
Section 6, Output Parameters.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
CALC | Calculation | STRING[36] | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
VAL | Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
RPCL | Postfix | NOACCESS | No | 0 | No | No | N/A | No |
AVAL | Array value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Expressions supported by the array calculation record can involve scalar and/or array operands, algebraic operators and functions, trigonometric functions, relational operators, logical operators, array operators and functions, parentheses and commas, and the conditional '?:' operator. All are described in sections to follow, but first, we need to talk about how operators and functions behave when presented with scalar, array, and mixed operands.
Unless otherwise stated, functions and operators behave as follows:
aa+bb =
aa[0]+bb[0], aa[1]+bb[1],...
is the array
a*bb[0], a*bb[1], a*bb[3],...
, ^
, **
, >>
, and
), the scalar value used is the value of the first array
element. In the following expressions, the array argument in color will be converted implicitly to scalar:
The number of elements of the array operands AA-LL is set at boot time by the field NELM. If an array value is received by the record with more or fewer elements, the array used by the aCalcout record will be truncated or padded at the end with zeros.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
A | Input Value A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
B | Input Value B | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
L | Input Value L | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
AA | Input array AA | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
BB | Input array BB | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LL | Input array LL | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
* If a valid input link is associated with this field, then the record will not not permit it to be modified by a 'put' operation.
There are a few special operands not associated with input fields, but
defined by the record (more exactly, defined by the calc engine the record uses
to evaluate expressions). All but RNDM
, and ARNDM
PI | 3.141592654 |
D2R | Degrees to radians (PI/180) |
R2D | Radians to degrees (1/D2R) |
S2R | Arc seconds to radians (D2R/3600) |
R2S | Radians to arc seconds (1/S2R) |
NRNDM | Random number from a normal (Gaussian) distribution about 0, with a standard deviation of 1. |
RNDM | Random number between 0 and 1. |
ARNDM | Array of random numbers between 0 and 1. |
IX | The array (0,1,2,...,NUSE). |
VAL | The previous value of the VAL field. (In an OCAL expression, "VAL" is the previous value of the OVAL field.) |
AVAL | The previous value of the AVAL field. (In an OCAL expression, "AVAL" is the previous value of the OAV field.) |
Op | Description | Example |
ABS | Absolute value (one-argument function) | ABS(A)
DBL | Convert (array) to double (one-argument function) | DBL(AA)
FINITE | True if all arguments are finite (variable-argument function) | FINITE(A,B,...)
ISINF | True if argument is infinite (one-argument function) | ISINF(A)
ISNAN | True if argument is not a number (one-argument function) | ISNAN(A)
SQRT | Square root (one-argument function) (SQR is deprecated) | SQRT(A)
MIN | Minimum (variable-argument function) | MIN(A,B,...)
MAX | Maximum (variable-argument function) | MAX(A,B,...)
CEIL | Ceiling (one-argument function) | CEIL(A)
FLOOR | Floor (one-argument function) | FLOOR(A)
INT | Nearest integer (one-argument function) | INT(A)
NINT | Nearest integer (one-argument function) | NINT(A)
LOG | Log base 10 (one-argument function) | LOG(A)
LN | Natural logarithm (one-argument function) | LN(A)
LOGE | Deprecated synonym for 'LN' | LOGE(A)
EXP | Exponential function (unary) | EXP(A)
^ | Exponential (binary) (Same as '**'.) | A^B
** | Exponential (binary) (Same as '^'.) | A**B
+ | Addition (binary) | A+B
- | Subtraction (binary) | A-B
* | Multiplication (binary) | A*B
/ | Division (binary) | A/B
% | Modulo (binary) | A%B
- | Negate (unary) | -A
NOT | Negate (unary) | NOT A
>& | Max (binary) | A>?B
<& | Min (binary) | A<?B
Op | Description | Example |
SIN | Sine (one-argument function) | SIN(A)
SINH | Hyperbolic sine (one-argument function) | SINH(A)
ASIN | Arc sine (one-argument function) | ASIN(A)
COS | Cosine (one-argument function) | COS(A)
COSH | Hyperbolic cosine (one-argument function) | COSH(A)
ACOS | Arc cosine (one-argument function) | ACOS(A)
TAN | Tangent (one-argument function) | TAN(A)
TANH | Hyperbolic tangent (one-argument function) | TANH(A)
ATAN | Arc tangent (one-argument function) | ATAN(A)
ATAN2 | Alternate form of arctangent (two-argument function) | ATAN2(A,B)
Op | Description | Example |
>= | Greater than or equal to | A>=B
> | Greater than | A>B
<= | Less than or equal to | A<=B
< | Less than | A<B
!= | Not equal to (same as '#') | A!=B
# | Not equal to (same as '!=') | A#B
== | Equal to (same as '=') | A==B
= | Equal to (same as '==') | A=B
Op | Description | Example |
&& | Logical AND | A&&B
|| | Logical OR | A||B
! | Logical NOT | !A
Op | Description | Example |
| | Bitwise OR | A|B
OR | Bitwise OR | A OR B
& | Bitwise AND | A&B
AND | Bitwise AND | A AND B
XOR | Bitwise Exclusive OR | A XOR B
~ | One's Complement | ~A
<< | Left shift | A<<B
>> | Right shift | A>>B
could be shortened to A ANDB
because ANDB
will be parsed as AND B
. However,
may not be shortened to AAND B
, because
would be parsed as AA ND
") operator is supported. The format is:
<expression> ? <expression-true result> : <expression-false result>
Op | Description | Example |
[ | Subarray | AA[1,3] -> aa(1),aa(2),aa(3)
{ | Subarray in place | AA[1,3] -> 0, aa(1),aa(2),aa(3), 0,...
>> | Array shift right. Move array elements by index. If index is not an integer, the array is interpolated to move by the fractional part. | AA>>2
<< | Array shift left. Move array elements by index. If index is not an integer, the array is interpolated to move by the fractional part. | AA<<2 (same as AA>>-2 )
AMIN | Minimal element of array (one-argument function) | AMIN(AA) -> scalar
AMAX | Maximal element of array (one-argument function) | AMAX('a','b','c') -> 'c'
ARR | Convert argument to array (one-argument function) | ARR(1) -> 1, 1, 1,...
AVG | Average of array values | AVG(AA)=SUM(AA)/arraySize
CAT | Concatenate array subranges, or an array subrange and a double value. If the second argument is a scalar, it is not converted to an array before being appended to the first argument. Note that CAT does nothing if its first argument is not a subrange, because a full array has no free space in which to append new values. | CAT(AA[0,2],BB[0,2])
CUM | Running sum of array values. For example, if AA=(1,2,3), CUM(AA)=(1,3,6). | CUM(AA)
DERIV | Derivative of array values, with respect to array index. Equivalent to NDERIV(AA,2). | DERIV(AA)
FWHM | Full width at half max of array values | FWHM(AA)
FITPOLY | (Deprecated. Use FITQ.) Fit array to second order polynomial a + b*x + c*x^2. | FITPOLY(AA)
FITMPOLY | (Deprecated. Use FITMQ.) Fit masked array to second order polynomial. First argument is input-data array, second argument is the mask array. If mask-array element value is true (greater than zero), corresponding data-array element will be used to compute best-fit polynomial a + b*x + c*x^2. | FITPOLY(AA,AA>0)
FITQ | Fit array to quadratic a + b*x + c*x^2, and optionally return fit coefficients. If the second, third, and fourth arguments are specified as the names of double variables, fit coefficients will be stored to those acalcoutRecord fields, in the order a,b,c. If any of the second, third, and fourth arguments is an array variable, it will be ignored. | FITQ(AA) FITQ(AA,J,K,L)
FITMQ | Fit masked array to quadratic, and optionally return fit coefficients. First argument is input-data array, second argument is the mask array. If mask-array element value is true (greater than zero), corresponding data-array element will be used to compute best-fit polynomial a + b*x + c*x^2. If the third, fourth, and fifth arguments are specified as the names of double variables, fit coefficients will be stored to those acalcoutRecord fields, in the order a,b,c. If any of the second, third, and fourth arguments is an array variable, it will be ignored. | FITMQ(AA,AA>0) FITMQ(AA,AA>0,J,K,L)
IX | The array (0,1,2,3,...,NUSE) | IX(AA)
IXMAX | The index of the largest (most positive) element of the array. | IXMAX(AA)
IXMIN | The index of the smallest (most negative) element of the array. | IXMIN(AA)
IXZ | The (floating-point) index of the first zero crossing in the array, calculated by linear interpolation. | IXZ(AA)
IXNZ | The index of the first nonzero element of the array. (The first element whose absolute value is greater than 1.e-9.) | IXNZ(AA)
NDERIV | Derivative of array values, with respect to array index. Derivative is calculated in the following way: at each array point, fit N surrounding array points to a second-order polynomial, take the derivative of the polynomial analytically, and evaluate it at the index of the array point. The number of points, on either side of the array point, to be used in the fit, is specified by the second argument to NDERIV(). (I.e., if N is specified, 2*N+1 points will be fit.) Array elements less than N points from the beginning or end of the array will get a less effectively calculated derivative, since the fit will not be centered on the point. | NDERIV(AA,B)
NSMOO | Smooth array values, using multiple applications of SMOO() | NSMOO(AA,B)
STD | Standard deviation of array values | STD(AA)
SMOO | Smooth array values, using a 5-point binomial formula y'(i) = y(i-2)/16 + y(i-1)/4 + 3*y(i)/8 + y(i+1)/4 + y(i+2)/16 | SMOO(AA)
SUM | Sum of array values. | SUM(AA)
Op | Description | Example |
@ | Scalar array element. Regard the numeric fields A-L as an array whose
elements are numbered 0-11, and return the element whose number follows.
Thus, @0 is another way of saying A .
(unary operator)
| @A
@@ | Array array element. Regard the array fields AA-LL as an array of arrays whose
elements are numbered 0-11, and return the element whose number follows.
Thus, @@1 is another way of saying BB .
(unary operator)
| @@A
Op | Description | Examples |
:= | Store value of right hand side in location specified by left hand side. (binary) | A:=1.2
UNTIL | Execute expression until its value is TRUE. (binary) The total number of iterations is limited to the ioc-shell variable sCalcLoopMax, which defaults to 1000. | until(1)
A + B + 10
A + B + 10
(A + B) < (C + D)
if (A+B) < (C+D)
if (A+B) >= (C+D)
if (A+B) < (C+D)
if (A+B) >= (C+D)
if (A+B) < (C+D)
(A+B) >= (C+D)
to integer
to integer
of A
and B
Notation: I'll use (1,2,3)
to indicate an array. Note that
[1,2] is not an array, but the subrange operator with arguments 1 and 2.
The subrange operator must follow an array, like so: AA[2,5]
Similarly, {1,2} is not an array, but the subrange-in-place operator.
A + AA
. DBL returns the first array element.
. Element-by-element sum. Most operators
behave in this way.
. (The first element of an array is
numbered "0".)
. (The last element of an array is
numbered "-1".)
. (Similar to the [] operator,
but the selected subrange is left in place.)
. ("@0
is just another name for A
is an incomplete and therefore illegal calc expression,
because it leaves us with nothing to write to the record's VAL
, store the result in the input
variable A
, set the VAL field to 7.
is just another name for A
with the array (0,1,2...), and set the VAL field to 7.
, which is added to
, store the result in the input
variable A
, and set the VAL field to 7.
function evaluates its expression repeatedly until the
expression returns a nonzero value, or the allowed number of iterations
has been reached. When looping is done, or aborted,
the expression value is returned.
BB:=1; B:=1; AA:=BB; UNTIL(AA:=AA+(BB>>B); B:=B+1; B>10)
to (1,1,1...)
. Loop to integrate
over BB
, so that the N'th element of AA
will be the
sum of all elements of BB[0,N]
.This expression is useful for converting an array of step pulses accumulated by a multichannel scaler into an array of positions at which the multichannel scaler's channel-advance signal was triggered. (The "CUM" function does this operation.)
to the first 10 elements of the array AA
.(This quite an inefficient way to do the job. An asub record would be much more efficient.)
to the scalar input variables A-J
.(Again, this is quite an inefficient way to do the job.)
Here's a more complete example of array calcs in use. Suppose we want to analyze results from a series of edge scans to find the conditions that produce the sharpest edge. Lacking any hardware, we'll also have to make fake data to analyze. We'll use three aCalcout records:
to compute artificial edge-scan data,
to take the derivative of that data,
to compute the FWHM of the derivative.
Here are field values that do the job:
aCalc1.CALC = "tanh((ix-a)/b)+c*arndm" aCalc1.A = <edge position> aCalc1.B = <edge width control> aCalc1.C = <amount of noise added to data> aCalc1.OUT = "aCalc2.AA PP" aCalc2.CALC = "nderiv(aa,20)" aCalc2.OUT = "aCalc3.AA PP" aCalc3.CALC = "fwhm(aa)"
Every Time | write output every time record is processed. |
On Change | write output every time VAL changes, i.e., every time the result of the expression changes. |
When Zero | when record is processed, write output if VAL is zero. |
When Non-zero | when record is processed, write output if VAL is non-zero. |
Transition to Zero | when record is processed, write output only if VAL is zero and last value was non-zero. |
Transition to Non-zero | when record is processed, write output only if VAL is non-zero and last value was zero. |
Never | Don't write output ever. |
The DOPT field determines what data is written to the output link when the output is executed. The field is a menu field with two options: Use CALC or Use OCAL. If Use CALC is specified, when the record writes its output it will write the result of the expression in the CALC field, that is, it will write the value of the VAL [AVAL] field to a scalar [array] destination. If Use OCAL is specified, the record will instead write the result of the expression in the OCAL field, which result is contained in the OVAL field (array result in the OAV field). The OCAL field is exactly analogous to the CALC field and has the same functionality: it can contain an expression which is evaluated at run-time. Thus, if necessary, the record can use the result of the CALC expression to determine if data should be written and can use the result of the OCAL expression as the data to write.
If the OEVT field specifies a non-zero integer and the condition in the
OOPT field is met, the record will post a corresponding event. If the ODLY field
is non-zero, the record pauses for the specified number of seconds before
executing the OUT link or posting the output event. During this waiting period
the record is "active" and will not be processed again until the wait is over.
The field DLYA is equal to 1 during the delay period. The resolution of the
delay entry is one clock tick, where the clock frequency is defined elsewhere
(see epicsThreadSleepQuantum()
in the EPICS Application Developer's Guide).
The IVOA field specifies what action to take with the OUT link if the aCalcout record enters an INVALID alarm status. The options are Continue normally, Don't drive outputs, and Set output to IVOV. If the IVOA field is Set output to IVOV, the data entered into the IVOV field is written to the OUT link if the record alarm severity is INVALID.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
OUT | Output Specification | OUTLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A | No |
OOPT | Output Execute Option | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
DOPT | Output Data Option | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OCAL | Output Calculation | STRING[36] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OVAL | Output Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
OEVT | Event To Issue | SHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
ODLY | Output Execution Delay | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IVOV | Invalid Output Action | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IVOA | Invalid Output Value | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OAV | Output array value | DOUBLE ARRAY | NO | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
WAIT | Wait for completion? | Menu | Yes | "NoWait" | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
The aCalcout record uses device support to write to the
link. Soft device supplied with the record is selected with
the .dbd specification
field(DTYP,"Soft Channel")This device support uses the record's
field to determine
whether to wait for completion of processing initiated by the OUT
link before causing the record to execute its forward link. The mechanism by
which this waiting for completion is performed requires that the
link have the attribute CA
-- i.e., the link text
looks something like
xxx:record.field CA NMS
Currently, the record does not try to ensure that WAIT
are compatibly configured. If WAIT
== "Wait",
but the link looks like
xxx:record.field PP NMS
for example, then the record will not wait for completion before executing its forward link.
The EGU field contains a string of up to 16 characters which is supplied by the user and which describes the values being operated upon. The string is retrieved whenever the routine get_units is called. The EGU string is solely for an operator's sake and does not have to be used.
The HOPR and LOPR fields only refer to the limits of the VAL, HIHI, HIGH, LOW, and LOLO fields. PREC controls the precision of the VAL field.
The INAV-INLV and IAAV-ILLV fields indicate the status of the link to the PVs specified in the INPA-INPL and INAA-INLL fields, respectively. The fields can have three possible values:
Ext PV NC | the PV wasn't found on this IOC and a Channel Access link hasn't been established. |
Ext PV OK | the PV wasn't found on this IOC and a Channel Access link has been established. |
Local PV | the PV was found on this IOC. |
Constant | the corresponding link field is a constant. |
The OUTV field indicates the status of the OUT link. It has the same possible values as the INAV-INLV fields.
The CLCV and OLCV fields indicate the validity of the expression in the CALC and OCAL fields, respectively. If the expression is invalid, the field is set to one.
The DLYA field is set to one during the delay interval specified in ODLY.
See the EPICS Record Reference Manual, for more on the record name (NAME) and description (DESC) fields.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
EGU | Engineering Units | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
PREC | Display Precision | SHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
HOPR | High Operating Range | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
LOPR | Low Operating Range | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
INAV | Link Status of INPA | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
INBV | Link Status of INPB | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INLV | Link Status of INPL | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
OUTV | OUT PV Status | Menu | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
CLCV | CALC Valid | LONG | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OCLV | OCAL Valid | LONG | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
DLYA | Output Delay Active | USHORT | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
NAME | Record Name | STRING [29] | Yes | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
DESC | Description | STRING [29] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IAAV | Link Status of INAA | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
IBBV | Link Status of INBB | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
ILLV | Link Status of INLL | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
The following alarm parameters which are configured by the user define the limit alarms for the VAL field and the severity corresponding to those conditions.
The HYST field defines an alarm deadband for each limit. See the EPICS Record Reference Manual for a complete explanation of alarms and these fields.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
HIHI | Hihi Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HIGH | High Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LOW | Low Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LOLO | Lolo Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HHSV | Severity for a Hihi Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HSV | Severity for a High Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LSV | Severity for a Low Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LLSV | Severity for a Lolo Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HYST | Alarm Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
ADEL | Archive Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
MDEL | Monitor, i.e. value change, Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
The LALM field is used to implement the hysteresis factor for the alarm limits.
The LA-LL fields are used to decide when to trigger monitors for the corresponding fields. For instance, if LA does not equal the value for A, monitors for A are triggered. The MLST and MLST fields are used in the same manner for the VAL field.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
LALM | Last Alarmed Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
ALST | Archive Last Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
MLST | Monitor Last Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LA | Previous Input Value for A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LB | Previous Input Value for B | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LL | Previous Input Value for A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LAA | Previous Input Value for AA | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LBB | Previous Input Value for BB | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LLL | Previous Input Value for LL | DOUBLE ARRAY | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
A routine postfix is called to convert the infix expression in CALC and OCAL to reverse polish notation. The result is stored in RPCL and ORPC, respectively.
upper_alarm_limit = HIHI
upper_warning_limit = HIGH
lower_warning_limit = LOW
lower_alarm_limit = LOLO