New Focus 8750 Picomotor controller - RS232: 2-3 swap (Horizontal jumpers on xm-octal panel). Baud = 19200 Dbits = 8 Sbits = 1 Parity = N - In your st.cmd file: # New Focus Picomotor controller (Model 8750) dbLoadTemplate("picoMotor.substitutions", top) - In st_mpfserver.cmd: tyGSMPFInit("serial1", 0, 0, 19200,'N',1,8,'N',"") /* NF Picomotor */ - In auto_positions.req: xxx:S1:A1:pM0_pos.VAL xxx:S1:A1:pM0_prev.VAL ...for each motor... - In medm screen that calls the top level picomotor screen (related display button): display[2] { label="9 PicoMotors" name="picoMotor_9.adl" args="P=xxx:,S=S1" } - Min Velocity must be less than Velocity. - E-Stop will cause the motor to lose position. - ETA is an *estimate* of the time to complete the move. This gives the user an (inexact) idea of how long the motor will be running. - Joystick must be off and Driver must be on for EPICS operation. - IF the controller is reset (power cycled) and the crate is not: - "joystick off", "driver on", must be re-asserted. - dynamics parms must be re-asserted, _if_ they have not been hardware-saved. - IF the crate is reset and the controller is not: - all parameters should be restored properly by autosave.