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Subject: [Fwd: Standard String]
From: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 06:46:46 -0500

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Standard String
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 08:53:23 -0500
From: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>
To: Jeff Hill <[email protected]>, Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>


This is an attempt to see if we can have a standard string implemention.

Jeff said that he wanted it to be an interface class.

I have taken epicsString and attempted to redefine it as an interface. In the following:

1) For now lets not discuss naming convention. That is Epics may not be the name we use.
2) Lets postone discussion of primitive types.
3) I dont know if what I did for == and != is legal C++

Here is initial proposal

class EpicsString {
   virtual EpicsString& operator=(const EpicsString &rhs) = 0;
   virtual void createBuffer(const char *bufferType,
                             epicsInt32 capacity = 0) = 0;
   virtual void createBuffer(EpicsBufferCreator *creator,
                             epicsInt32 capacity = 0) = 0;
   virtual EpicsBufferCreator *bufferCreator() const = 0;
   virtual void destroyBuffer();
   virtual epicsInt32 get(epicsInt32 offset, epicsInt32 len,
                  epicsOctet *pto) const = 0;
   virtual epicsInt32 put(epicsInt32 offset, epicsInt32 len,
                  const epicsOctet *pfrom) = 0;
   virtual epicsInt32 hash(epicsInt16 nBitsHashIndex) const = 0;
// These routines are as described for EpicsBuffer
   virtual void reserve(epicsInt32 capacity) = 0;
   virtual epicsInt32 capacity() const = 0;
   virtual void resize(epicsInt32 newsize) = 0;
   virtual epicsInt32 size() const = 0;
   virtual epicsInt32 maxSize() const = 0;
   virtual bool mutable() const = 0;
   virtual bool isEqual(const EpicsBuffer &cmp) const;
   virtual bool isEqual(epicsInt32 offset, epicsInt32 len,
                const epicsOctet *pdata) const = 0;
   virtual bool expose(epicsInt32 offset, epicsInt32 &len,
               epicsOctet *&pdata) = 0;
   virtual bool expose(epicsInt32 offset, epicsInt32 &len,
               const epicsOctet *&pdata) const = 0;
}; virtual epicsBoolean operator==(const EpicsString &lhs, const EpicsString &rhs); virtual epicsBoolean operator!=(const EpicsString &lhs, const EpicsString &rhs);

class epicsStringFactory {
   static EpicsString * create();
   static EpicsString * create(const char *literal);
static EpicsString * create(const char *bufferType, epicsInt32 capacity);
   static void destroy(EpicsString &);

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