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Subject: V4 DB RecordCommon: Suggestion for alarmAckTransient (ACKT replacement)
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Core Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 11:34:52 +0200
The following just became obvious in BESSY real life:

There are channels where the attached hardware latches the error status. The operator has to actively "error reset" the device to make the error bits go back to green. In such cases, you don't want to have to acknowledge those alarms additionally in the Alarm Handler. So we set ACKT to false for such error bits. BUT: In cases of transiently failing connections (such as loose field bus plugs or short hangup states followed by quick reboots of the remote hardware) we are losing this failure information because also the resulting transient INVALID status doesn't need to be acknowledged.

Change the type of alarmAckTransient from boolean to menu(menuAlarmSevr) and redefine it as "highest level of alarm that does not have to be acknowledged". Doesn't need more space in the DB and allows for nice and subtle configuration options: e.g. warnings that don't have to be ack'ed while errors do.

What do you think?


Re: V4 DB RecordCommon: Suggestion for alarmAckTransient (ACKT replacement) Marty Kraimer

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