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Subject: Re: EPICS Meeting Agenda
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS Core Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 09:48:50 -0600
Ralph Lange wrote:
No core meeting?
Seems awkward. My impression was there are still a few issues to discuss before V4 is released.

[Warning: this reply may not be Politically Correct{TM}.]

I agree we need a core meeting, but I would like to find some way to restrict the attendance to people/sites who actually have expertise and/or manpower to offer. In the past when we've announced a core workshop we've had people attending who don't fully understand the issues and slow down proceedings by asking lots of questions, but then have no effort available towards actual design and code development. While I don't want to prevent anyone from contributing, I would like to avoid unnecessary slowups if we can.

I will ensure that we have a meeting room available for a core meeting; the question is when we hold it (since there will be time overlap between the various SIG workshops), and how widely we advertise it.

- Andrew
There is no S in exprexxo.

Re: EPICS Meeting Agenda Ralph Lange

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