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Subject: Base tag lost its submodule info
From: Jeong Han Lee via Core-talk <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 21:51:40 +0100

Somehow, Base tag R7.0.1.1 lost the three submodule links within this history. It looks like that all "libcom/ca/core/database" branch names are renamed with "end-of-libcom/others".

Is there any other reason why we changed its tags? Without these tags, R7.0.1.1 has no meaning either.

Please see the enclosed file 1.png, it lost three submodule links. And the .gitmodule in R7.0.1.1 tag has the following lines

  [submodule "modules/libcom"]
    path = modules/libcom
    url = ./
    branch = libcom/master
[submodule "modules/database"]
    path = modules/database
    url = ./
    branch = database/master
[submodule "modules/ca"]
    path = modules/ca
    url = ./
    branch = ca/master

Can we recover their branches? We are now using R7.0.1.1 as the test platform for BASE 7 at ESS, because we cannot use 7.0.2 due to int64 record.


Attachment: 1.png
Description: PNG image

Re: Base tag lost its submodule info Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk

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