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Subject: Get sub field of Union
From: "Shen, Guobao via Core-talk" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 15:43:56 +0000

Hi Core member,

Does anyone have experienced to read sub field of a Union structure?

For example, I have a record:

$ pvinfo Test:Data


    uint ArrayId

    double[] Time

    union value

        float[] data1

        double[] data2


If I use

$ pvget -r value Test:Data



    union value

        float[]  [-0.034794,-0.0417011, …]


But if I do it with:

$ pvget -r value.data1 Test:Data


I got an error on my client like

[Test: Data] failed to create channel get: Status [type=FATAL, message=std::bad_alloc]


Is that a right way to use it for union?




Re: Get sub field of Union Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk
Re: Get sub field of Union Marty Kraimer via Core-talk

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