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Subject: Re: EPICS release preparation
From: "Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk" <[email protected]>
To: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 17:58:52 +0000
Hi Dirk,

On 5/7/19 4:37 AM, Dirk Zimoch via Core-talk wrote:
I finally found some time to come back to the 'dbll' code. You described the new link methods, but I still have a question.

1. You wrote:
The following new routines in dbLink.h allow you to examine the link
support that is attached to a particular link field:
int dbLinkIsDefined(const struct link *plink);  /* 0 or 1 */
int dbLinkIsConstant(const struct link *plink); /* 0 or 1 */
int dbLinkIsVolatile(const struct link *plink); /* 0 or 1 */
int dbIsLinkConnected(const struct link *plink); /* 0 or 1 */
The first one dbLinkIsDefined() tells you whether the field is attached
to a link support at all.

But to use them, I have to cast the field like ((DBLINK *)dbEntry.pfield) before I even know if it is a link at all, because the functions work on links, not on generic db fields. Can that be safe?
You should only pass those link routines a pointer to a link field. However the IOC has a list of the link fields in each record type and two routines dbGetNLinks() and dbGetLinkField() in dbStaticLib to get to those fields. If you look at the code for dbReportDeviceConfig() you'll see them being used.

2. Also you mentioned the new "faster" way to get the links:

There is now a faster way to find all the DB links that point to a
particular record though, the dbDbLink.c code now keeps an ELList of
those links for the new lock-set code in dbLock.c to use.

This is true if I already have the record. But does it make a difference if I only have the record name (or a name pattern)? In that case I need iterate all records anyway. Only that this time I do it to find the target record(s) instead of the records with links. So with n records it is O(n) in both cases.

Or is it so that 2 is actually the solution to 1?
Your current code iterates through every field (up to 269 depending on the record type) of every record instance in the IOC database, and for every link field (DB or CA) it performs a record-name lookup on the PV name in that link (which requires calculating a hash of the name and checking the names in that hash bucket, which may have several records in it so does several string comparisons, most of which are going to fail).

If you use the new BKLNK field in the record you will still have to look through every record instance, but for each record you immediately know how many DB links point back to this record, which in most cases will be a small number or 0. Now this doesn't give you CA links, and the order in which you will get results is going to be different because your primary scan is now by link target instead of by link source, but the work required to scan the list will be significantly reduced. Look at dbLock.c for how Michael uses bklnk and dbDbLink.c for how it gets populated.


- Andrew

Complexity comes for free, Simplicity you have to work for.

Re: EPICS release preparation Dirk Zimoch via Core-talk
EPICS release preparation Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk
Re: EPICS release preparation Dirk Zimoch via Core-talk
Re: EPICS release preparation Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk
Re: EPICS release preparation Dirk Zimoch via Core-talk
Re: EPICS release preparation Dirk Zimoch via Core-talk

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