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Subject: Strange logging behavior in EPICS 7 on vxWorks
From: "Zimoch Dirk \(PSI\) via Core-talk" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2019 14:57:26 +0000
Hi folks,

Today I found a strange behavior with logging in EPICS 7.

I am using caPutLog on our IOCs, configured to send messages to some log server.
Also I have EPICS_IOC_LOG_INET set for logging error messages to a different

While in EPICS 3.14.12 those two logging channels were strictly separate, I see
them mixing up in EPICS 7 on vxWorks.

Messages send with errlogPrintf (or logMsg) now show up on the caPutLog server!
However caPutLog messages do not show up on the errlog server.

iocLogShow and caPutLogShow show the two separate log clients:

> iocLogShow
log client: connected to log server at ""
> caPutLogShow
log client: connected to log server at ""

I have not seen this on Linux.

Any ideas?

I am using 7.0.1.


Re: Strange logging behavior in EPICS 7 on vxWorks Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk

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