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Subject: EPICS linker problem
From: "Zimoch Dirk \(PSI\) via Core-talk" <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "'core-talk at aps.anl.gov'" <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 09:51:16 +0000
Hello folks,

Today I found that some Linux (cross) architectures (using gcc 4.4.2, 4.7.2) require an additional linker flag: -Wl,-rpath-link in addition to -L and -Wl,-rpath. I noticed when compiling asyn.
It worked for me to change in <BASE>/configure/os/CONFIG.Common.linuxCommon
(Maybe the same should be done for SHRLIBDIR_RPATH_LDFLAGS_YES.)

Why this? Some linkers do not use -L for indirectly linked libs. E.g. libA.so depends on libB.so and the program is linked with -lA but not with -lB, then some linkers require that B is found in -rpath-link and do not consider -L or -rpath for it. (Maybe the other linkers where it works do not even care about B?)

In asyn this is the case for test code which links with -lasyn -lCom only. But libasyn.so had been linked with -ldbRecStd -ldbCore -lca -lCom and the linker refuses to use those other libraries from -L<EPICS_BASE_LIBDIR> or -Wl,-rpath<EPICS_BASE_LIBDIR>.

/opt/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppc440e-linux/powerpc-linux-g++  -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE           -m32 -mcpu=440fp -mhard-float --sysroot=/opt/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/ppc440e-linux  -DUNIX  -Dlinux  -fno-strict-aliasing    -O3 -g -g   -Wall             -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I. -I.. -I../../../../include/compiler/gcc -I../../../../include/os/Linux -I../../../../include          -I/usr/local/epics/base- -I/usr/local/epics/base- -I/usr/local/epics/base-        -c ../asynPortDriverTest.cpp
/opt/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppc440e-linux/powerpc-linux-g++ -o asynPortDriverTest  -L/afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP -L/usr/local/epics/base- -Wl,-rpath,/afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/epics/base-       --sysroot=/opt/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/ppc440e-linux    -rdynamic         asynPortDriverTest.o    -lasyn -lCom
/net/gfa-fs-4/export/cross_tools/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppc440e-linux/../../libexec/ppc440e-linux/gcc/powerpc-linux/4.7.2/ld: warning: libdbRecStd.so, needed by /afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP/libasyn.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/net/gfa-fs-4/export/cross_tools/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppc440e-linux/../../libexec/ppc440e-linux/gcc/powerpc-linux/4.7.2/ld: warning: libdbCore.so, needed by /afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP/libasyn.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/net/gfa-fs-4/export/cross_tools/eldk-5.3/powerpc-4xx/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppc440e-linux/../../libexec/ppc440e-linux/gcc/powerpc-linux/4.7.2/ld: warning: libca.so, needed by /afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP/libasyn.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/afs/psi.ch/group/8211/dirk/git/DRV/asyn/lib/eldk53-ppc4xxFP/libasyn.so: undefined reference to `scanIoRequest' 
[... more undefined reference errors...]

Even though the warning suggests using -rpath or -rpath-link, only -rpath-link actually does the job.

Is there any (old) Linux architecture where adding -rpath-link may cause problems?


Re: EPICS linker problem Mark Rivers via Core-talk
Re: EPICS linker problem Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk

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