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Subject: ANN: RTEMS libnetworking relocation
From: Vijay Kumar Banerjee via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: core-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2021 15:43:04 -0700
Hello all,

In RTEMS 6, there will be no cpukit/libnetworking in the RTEMS
repository and it will be moved to its own separate repository. There
are ongoing efforts in this direction and it is very close to
completion. What's remaining, is to collect feedback from the users of
the libnetworking stack.

The legacy repo, in its current state, has been tested with pc-qemu
and it can successfully run the legacy networking tests.

The following are the links to the repositories with the latest
version of changes:
RTEMS: https://git.rtems.org/vijay/rtems.git/log/?h=devel-no-libnet
Legacy Network: https://git.rtems.org/vijay/rtems-net-legacy.git/log/?h=main

The following BSP family in RTEMS has been used with the old legacy
networking stack:
Zynq, PC, Motorola Shared, Beatnik, mvme3100, mvme5500, gen68360,
uc5282, mvme 162/167

If anyone is maintaining/working with one (or more) of these BSPs,
please let me know if you're able to test the separate legacy-net
repository and if you have any feedback. If you're planning to test
it, please add your comments here so that we know someone is going to
do it and wait for your feedback. The changes will not be pushed right
away and we'll follow-up for your feedback.

What's next?

The legacy networking repository will stay at git.rtems.org for any
projects that are still using it. It is recommended that the new
projects use the libbsd networking stack which is more full-featured.
There is a strong possibility that we will add lwip next, but no
timeline has been decided for it yet. We plan to provide a performance
analysis of lwip and libbsd networking (and maybe legacy networking as

Thank you for your patient reading. Any suggestion is welcome and I'm
more than happy to work with you to get it more thoroughly tested.

Best regards,

Re: ANN: RTEMS libnetworking relocation Vijay Kumar Banerjee via Core-talk
Re: ANN: RTEMS libnetworking relocation Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk

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