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Subject: errlog.h
From: "Pearson, Matthew R. via Core-talk" <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Andrew Johnson via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 15:20:41 +0000

I'm documenting functions in errlog.h. This may be more a doxygen question, but anyone know why doxygen would ignore certain functions that are in a header file?

There's a few functions in errloh.h that don't make it into the function list in the generated HTML file:

LIBCOM_API int errlogPrintfNoConsole(const char *pformat, ...)
LIBCOM_API int errlogVprintfNoConsole(const char *pformat,va_list pvar);
LIBCOM_API void errSymLookup(long status, char *pBuf, size_t bufLength);

I tried adding a doxygen comment section to one of these, but it still didn't appear.

Also, separate question... the IOC developers guide, when it describes errPrintf, has this section:

errPrintf(status, __FILE__, __LINE__,"<fmt>",...);
Where status is defined as:

0: Find latest vxWorks or Unix error.
-1: Don’t report status.
Other: See “Return Status Values”, above.

There doesn't seem to be a "Return Status Values" section as far as I can see. I've modified the doxygen comment to be the following, based on what I think it's meant to be doing:

* Where status is defined as:
 * - 0: Find latest vxWorks or Unix error.
 * - -1: Don’t report status.
 * - Other: Use this status code and lookup the string value

If that looks correct, should I also update the IOC developers guide too?


Re: errlog.h Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk

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