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Subject: RTEMS build issue, rtems_3c509_driver_attach
From: Andrew Johnson via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: core-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 10:48:46 -0500
This issue is nothing to do with my RTEMS-uC5282 build, it's RTEMS-pc686 where the problem is. In my RTEMS-5.1 bsp.h header there is a declaration of this function that conflicts with ours:
tux% cd /local/anj/RTEMS-5.1/rtems-5.1
tux% ack -C3 rtems_3c509_driver_attach
95-#define BSP_DEC21140_NETWORK_DRIVER_NAME    "dc1"
96-#define BSP_DEC21140_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH  rtems_dec21140_driver_attach
98:extern int rtems_3c509_driver_attach(struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config);
99-#define BSP_3C509_NETWORK_DRIVER_NAME    "3c1"
100:#define BSP_3C509_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH  rtems_3c509_driver_attach

tux% cd /home/phoebus/ANJ/epics/base/7.0
tux% ack -C3 rtems_3c509_driver_attach
71-    rtems_fxp_attach,                   /* attach function */
72-    &ne2k_driver_config,             /* link to next interface */
74:// extern int rtems_3c509_driver_attach (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *, int);
75-static struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig e3c509_driver_config = {
76-    "ep0",                              /* name */
77:    rtems_3c509_driver_attach,          /* attach function */
78-    &fxp_driver_config,                 /* link to next interface */
80-#define FIRST_DRIVER_CONFIG &e3c509_driver_config

I don't understand why this isn't causing similar problems with the GHA builds, presumably Michael's RTEMS installation is different somehow. Can we just remove the function declaration or is it more complicated than that?

- Andrew
Complexity comes for free, Simplicity you have to work for.

Re: RTEMS build issue, rtems_3c509_driver_attach Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk

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