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Subject: Ascii databases
From: [email protected] (Nick Rees)
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 12:42:34 HST
I have started looking at Marty's new ascii database software and, on
the whole, I like it a lot. However, I don't like the path construct -
it seems restrictive and, in particular, it depends on the ascii files
staying in the same relationship in the directory structure to work. If
I move my code around I don't want to have to edit it to get it to

At a bare minimum I suggest that dbAsciiExpand take at least one
option, -I <path>, and its behaviour be identical to that of the C
precompiler. (If you hadn't used # as a comment character I would have
suggested using the precompiler itself). Like for the precompiler, the
-I option should be able to be repeated a number of times to build up a
list of search paths.

This will allow application environments to build a database
construction rule similar to normal compilation rules for C include
files. (This is something we know how to do and know works...)

I have had a brief look at the code and I feel that it can't be that
difficult to do, but of course Marty might enlighten me on this :-).

Comments anyone?

Nick Rees

Joint Astronomy Centre                    Ph:       +1 (808) 961-3756
660 N. Aohoku Place                       Fax:      +1 (808) 961-6516
Hilo, HI.  96720                          Internet: [email protected]

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