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Subject: developing Gpib devSupport
From: mauro <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 14:56:45 +0000
I'm using a 3.13.beta11, MV162, GPIB-1014, Keitley 199
and Sun workstation.
I've written my first Gpib device support, it's running well.
Now, with this I can read the DCV but I want add other
Keitley 199 Gpib functions. This is the problem :
when I modify the my devXxK199Gpib.c ( under R3.13.0.b11/
base/src/devOpt), which are the istruction to compile the new
devXxK199Gpib.c and make it in use for my xxxApp ?
Probably the solution is use gnumake/gnumake rebuild
commands, but where ?

Thank you.

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