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Subject: TCL/TK interface to Channel Access
From: [email protected] (Janet B. Anderson)
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 10:12:04 -0500
> We are trying to rebuild our Channel Access to TCL/TK interface.
> We have spent over a week trying to do this, with no success.  We
> really need to be able to rebuild this, as we feel the current
> HP-UX channel access library may solve some longstanding CA problems.
> We currently run a version of "et_wish" which was built long ago, 
> and which uses R3.12.0 channel access libraries.  It was built
> with TCL 7.6/4.2.  We have not been able to built a working
> version of this program using R3.13.0.beta11 libraries.
> While trying to figure out how to build "et_wish", we found another
> TCL interface called "tclCa", which seemed to be a replacement for
> "et_wish".  We have also worked with this, but cannot build a 
> working executable with it either.
> Many of the problems seem to stem from the packages requiring
> BLT and tcl-dp.  There seem to be version problems.  We have
> tried getting the newest versions from the distribution sites,
> we have tried using some old verisons we found on our disks, and
> we have tried removing the need for these packages.  We cannot
> get a make to complete with the packages in, and we get an
> executable which immediately exits if we remove them.  We feel
> we may still have version problems.
> If anyone has any recent experience building workable TCL/TK 
> interfaces to CA, we would like to hear about how  you did it.  We
> would also like to learn which TCL/CA package we should be using.
> Right now we have given up, but we have to rebuild this interface.
> All help will be greatly appreciated.

I was able to build tclCa with tcl/tk 8.0 by making the following 
changes in the tcl/extensions/ca directory -

In tclCa.c change 4 lines with  
    #if (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 5)

In Makefile.Unix
    add -I$(TK_INC) to USR_CFLAGS definition
    add -L$(TK_LIB) to USR_LDFLAGS  definition

I had to make other changes to the other tcl directories for tcl/tk.8.0 as well.
I will commit them and ask Bakul if she could put a new tar file in our epics
extensions ftp distribution area.


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