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Subject: Re: drvAscii - termintor strategy
From: Allan Honey <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:37:32 -1000 (HST)
I like it!

Perry could you please send me your drvNode code?

Not sure I have time to modify getFrame() and formatCmt(). 
Any takers?


> Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:14:30 -0600
> From: "Peregrine M. McGehee" <[email protected]>
> In the simple drvNode framing routines I alluded to earlier
> we allowed a set of multiple terminators. On a character by
> character basis the index into each terminator was incremented until
> either a mismatch occurred or a complete terminator was found. 
> While in our application we defined the terminators at the vxWorks command
> line, modifying the drvAscii <readCmt> construct would be
> straightforward.
> drvNode usage is:
>  * A delimiter definition includes:
>  *     n     - index into delimiter array [0..NDELIMITERS-1]
>  *     len   - length of delimiter in characters. (0 = delimiter not defined)
>  *     delim - delimiter string
>  *     mask  - bit mask indicating which positions are wild carded.
>  * Examples:
>  *     drvNodeSetDelim(COMMON, 2, 2, "\015\012", 0x00)
>  *          delimiter #2 = CRLF
>  *     drvNodeSetDelim(MOUSE, 0, 3, "   ", 0x07)
>  *	    delimiter #0 = any sequence of three characters (useful
>  *          for mouse pointing devices).       
> By adding two optional syntax elements to the drvAscii <readCmt> 
> links this could be emulated, i.e.
> 	o add an optional delimiter number (default=0)
> 	o allow a %k construct within the terminator string
> 	(default = not used).
> So the examples above could be written as:
>  	field(OUT,"@COMMON <readCmt 2 %s>")
> 	field(VAL,"\015\012")
> and
> 	field(OUT,"@MOUSE <readCmt %s>")
> 	field(VAL,"%3k").
> Note that drvNode returns the terminator string. 
> - Peregrine     
> -- 
> Peregrine M. McGehee	[email protected]	(505) 667-3273
> Sloan Digital Sky Survey / Spallation Neutron Source
> MS H820, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545

Re: drvAscii - termintor strategy Peregrine M. McGehee

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