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Subject: Re: Caveat: vxStats
From: [email protected]
To: Carl Lionberger <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>, EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 10:07:29 +0200
I see ...

My guess is that your
module has definitely left the realm of soft device support. It has
become a full-fledged application containing multiple record types,
device supports, additional code, panels, databases and more. (This is
what I see in the LBL version and you said it's been further developed
since then.)

In that case I would suggest taking it out of the Soft Support List and
point to the original unbundled vxStats device support instead, which is
kept and maintained at the APS.

Should we open up a third category for "Portable Applications" which
this might go into? Or is it a member of class "facility" within the
"Soft Support List"?

Anyway, if it stays somewhere in the EPICS web, I would really, really
suggest renaming it to something different than vxStats, since this is
the name of the unbundled device support that people will be looking for
in the first place (since it used to be part of base).

Cheers, Ralph

>>>>> "Carl" == Carl Lionberger <[email protected]> writes:

  > And there is a version we are using at SNS that has diverged and continues
  > to do so; it is derived from the older lbl version.  The latest proposed
  > change I've heard about is to display the boot directory.  We have a time
  > readout and a record of the boot time as well.

  > The LBL version on the ftp site is pretty old by now and probably shouldn't
  > be pointed to anyway, although I don't really have much opinion on which
  > should be pointed to instead.

  >     Carl

Re: Caveat: vxStats Carl Lionberger
Caveat: vxStats Ralph . Lange
Re: Caveat: vxStats Carl Lionberger

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