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Subject: Re: epics on ecos
From: Geoff Savage <[email protected]>
To: Eric Norum <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 09:17:21 -0500
Okay let me ask a different question. Has anyone used RTEMS/EPICS on a pc104 board?

Thanks for all the input, Geoff

Eric Norum wrote:

On Jun 10, 2005, at 8:00 AM, Geoff Savage wrote:


We are assisting on a project to test rf modules and one of the groups already has a pc104 system running ecos. Instead of changing their software they wanted to see if they could adapt EPICS. The build scripts have been configured and one of the engineers familiar with ecos is working on the osi portion.

My $0.02

How complex is this application? Is it really less effort to port EPICS to another open-source RTOS than to convert a single application? Is there some other advantage of eCOS over RTEMS? Diversity is good, but I worry about dilution of resources.

Re: epics on ecos Eric Norum
Re: epics on ecos Till Straumann
Re: epics on ecos Ronald L. Sluiter
Re: epics on ecos Kate Feng
Re: epics on ecos Geoff Savage
Re: epics on ecos Eric Norum

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