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Subject: Re: Open source Real-time Oss / open source OS
From: Noboru Yamamoto <[email protected]>
To: "Dalesio, Leo `Bob`" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 11:21:34 +0900
Hi Bob,

Dalesio, Leo `Bob` wrote:
Hi Noboru, I would never want to restrict anything that didn't harm
Sorry. I had come to conclusion too early. I should have read your post one more again, before writing previous mail.

> I intended more to find out why we are looking into many
differentones and see if there was a smaller set that would cover everything.
Worst case, I was looking to find out what else was available and how
well it was being supported.

Jun-ichi already explained very well why we, EPICS group in KEK, are working on EPICS port to micro-ITRON, so I will not repeat it.

I agree that if would be nice if a small set of RT-OS can cover everything, i.e. cost, performance and maintainability, etc. In this way, we can share much information on the EPICS on these OSes and
utilize our resource in very efficient way.
As Jeff pointed out:
Software is always more
robust when there is a larger installed base. If you are the only site with
a particular OS port then if you experience an issue that no one else sees
you will not have the option of working with other sites to reproduce your
problem in order to find a fix.

I also support Jeff's comment:
I have no doubt that the EPICS community will benefit if you take on the
port. One advantage of multiple ports may be that OS diversity does tend to
uncover implementation problems. Assuming that these problems are fixed, the
software should be more robust to changes introduced as it evolves in the
future. Someone always has to be the first one in the pool.
I'm not encouraging anyone to commit this work, I would be very happy if our experience on EPICS port to micro-ITRON can help.

Best Regards,


RE: Open source Real-time Oss / open source OS Dalesio, Leo `Bob`

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