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Subject: Re: sysVmeMapShow on mv2700
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: Matthieu Bec <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 17:16:29 -0500
Hi Matthieu,

Matthieu Bec wrote:

The APS mv2700/bsp documentation reference a sysVmeMapShow routine. I can not find it in our bsp. Would anyone know how that can be implemented on our systems?

Here's the code for that routine, add the attached source to your sysLib.c file for the mv2700.

- Andrew
Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted.
  -- Albert Einstein
* sysVmeMapShow - report mappings between VMEbus and local memory
* This routine displays the range of local addresses that map to particular
* VMEbus address space accesses, and the range of VME addresses that access
* local mv2700 memory and registers.
* SEE ALSO: sysBusToLocalAdrs(), sysLocalToBusAdrs()

STATUS sysVmeMapShow(void)
    UINT32 base, bound, offset, ctl;

    printf("\nVMEbus access from CPU:\n");
    printf("  CPU:\t0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X  =>  A32: 0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X\n",
           base, bound - 1, base + offset, bound + offset - 1);

    printf("\t0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X  =>  A24:   0x%6.6X -   0x%6.6X\n",
           base, bound - 1, (base + offset) & 0xffffff,
           (bound + offset - 1) & 0xffffff);

    printf("\t0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X  =>  A16:     0x%4.4X -     0x%4.4X\n",
           base, bound - 1, (base + offset) & 0xffff,
           (bound + offset - 1) & 0xffff);

    printf("\nCPU access from VMEbus:\n");
    if (ctl & VSI_CTL_EN)
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI1_BS, &base);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI5_BD, &bound);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI1_BD, &bound);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI1_TO, &offset);
        printf("  A32:\t0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X  =>  CPU: 0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X\n",
                base, bound - 1, base + offset, bound + offset - 1);
        printf("  A32:\t           -             =>                  -\n");

    if (ctl & VSI_CTL_EN)
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI2_BS, &base);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI2_BD, &bound);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI2_TO, &offset);
        printf("  A24:\t  0x%6.6X -   0x%6.6X  =>       0x%8.8X - 0x%8.8X\n",
                base, bound - 1, base + offset, bound + offset - 1);

    if (ctl & VSI_CTL_EN)
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI0_BS, &base);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI0_BD, &bound);
        UNIV_IN_LONG(UNIVERSE_VSI0_TO, &offset);
        printf("  A24:\t  0x%6.6X -   0x%6.6X  =>       Mailbox Registers\n",
                base, bound - 1);

    return OK;

sysVmeMapShow on mv2700 Matthieu Bec

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