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Subject: Problem solved : building device support on external library - help needed
From: John Dobbins <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:12:25 -0500
I neglected to mention the device support code is C++. The library header files did not have #ifdef __cplusplus ....

Once I fixed that it was easy. Thanks for the nifty build system. I always dread that it will stop working in some way I don't understand but it makes life so easy!



disclaimer - pardon me if I'm being stupid here

I am trying to build device support based on a library external to EPICS for a
softIOC on linux.

Call the external library libXXX = /path_to_libXXX/libXXX.so

In the src directory for devXXX_SUPPORT I edit the Makefile to add the lines

USR_INCLUDES += -I/path_to_XXX_related_include_files/

XXX_DIR = /path_to_libXXX/


Device support then builds OK.

I do ldd libdevXXX_SUPPORT.so and see it depends on libXXX.so

However, I next try to build an IOC to test the newly created device support but
I can't figure out how to do this correctly.

I edit RELEASE for the testIOC to point to device support.
In the src directory for testIOC I edit Makefile to add the line:


but that is not enough because I get errors on link of testIOC of the type

libdevXXX_SUPPORT.so: undefined reference to some function from libXXX

I have tried indicating the location of libXXX in the testIOC Makefile but that
doesn't seem to help, or I am doing it incorrectly.

Guidance would be appreciated.

John Dobbins Cornell University

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