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Subject: Re: File I/O from genSub Process function
From: Bruce Hill <[email protected]>
To: Till Straumann <[email protected]>
Cc: Techtalk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 19:56:15 -0800
Thanks Till!
That was the problem.    CWD was "/" for the genSub Process function
and my startup directory for all the other cases.
- Bruce

Till Straumann wrote:
Are you using relative file paths?

The CWD of the task executing 'Process' may not be what
you think...


Bruce Hill wrote:
I have a genSub I've setup to run test code on my IOC, and I'm getting
errors when I try to read the test set data files. This is an RTEMS 4.7.1 based
IOC accessing an NFS mounted filesystem.     I'm able to read the same
files from a genSub Init function, but not from the Process function.
I can also read these files if I initiate the test from the Cexp shell on the RTEMS

Is there something about how the Process functions are called that would
preclude file I/O?

- Bruce Hill

File I/O from genSub Process function Bruce Hill
Re: File I/O from genSub Process function Till Straumann

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