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Subject: Re: procServ softIOC server - V2.5.0 released
From: Emmanuel Mayssat <[email protected]>
To: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 14:51:28 -0800

I use procServ, but is there a tool to check whether an ioc was started on a particular computer? If not, I would like to be able to start the ioc (procServ process) remotely.

How is procServ recommended to be run/started?
At boot time? manually once hardware is connected/working? etc.


Ralph Lange wrote:
Hello all,

procServ soft IOC server version 2.5.0 has been released:
o Preparing for more target systems, procServ now uses the GNU autotools build system o Which includes a configure script option to generate stuff for compilation in an EPICS tree o Time format string and child restart holdoff time were made command line options

Download at http://sourceforge.net/projects/procserv/
Complete change log, wiki, bug tracker at http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/procserv/

procServ is a wrapper application that runs any process (e.g. a soft IOC) in the background, allowing telnet access to its stdin/stdout. It supports logging, child restart (manual or automatic on crash/exit), blocking characters that are considered dangerous to the child, and more.

Re: procServ softIOC server - V2.5.0 released Andrew Johnson
RE: procServ softIOC server - V2.5.0 released Davidsaver, Michael
procServ softIOC server - V2.5.0 released Ralph Lange

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