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Subject: Re: Cross Building Extensions
From: Rod Nussbaumer <[email protected]>
To: tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 09:53:34 -0800
David Dudley wrote:
I have a project where I need to cross build some of the EPICS extensions for another architecture.

Specifically, I want to build the ChannelArchiver to run on a remote Linux host.

I already have the IOS compiled for the host (linux-xscale_be), and it works well, with all the libraries and programs functional on that architecture, but to make the machine I’m setting up an independent system, I need to run the ChannelArchiver as well on that device.

I defined ‘CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS’ in the extensions configure directory to ‘linux-xscale_be’, and when I build, I create a xscale_be bin directory, however the build system doesn’t pick up the target build tools, so it’s building 2 copies of the host programs.

What do I adjust to make the extensions build system pick up the proper toolset?

David Dudley

You will need to create base/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-xscale_be

In it, you can assign to '$GNU_DIR' the path to your cross tools. When you do this, leave off any trailing 'bin' directory name, as EPICS build will append this by itself. See the corresponding files for other architectures as a guide.

Rod Nussbaumer
Vancouver, Canada

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Cross Building Extensions David Dudley

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