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Subject: Re: IOC Build Error
From: Andrew Wagner <[email protected]>
To: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 12:28:09 -0700
Thanks guys, 

The problem was that my path to AG34970 was not set correctly (wrong directory!). Fixing this, making clean, and making again did the trick. Thanks again. 

On Aug 13, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Mark Rivers wrote:

> Make sure you do a "make clean" at the top level of your application, or in the configure/ directory after editing configure/RELEASE.
> Mark
> ________________________________
> From: [email protected] on behalf of Andrew Wagner
> Sent: Fri 8/13/2010 8:48 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: IOC Build Error
> Hi everyone,
> I'm having trouble creating an IOC application that includes device support for several different devices. I would like to be able to read inputs from one device and based on that, write output to a second device. As a first step I have created device support in /Users/andrewwagner/ASYN/instruments/ag34970 (my local machine) that I have successfully tested. I am creating my application in /Users/andrewwagner/ASYN/applications/MagnetCtrl . I have the lines:
> # Asyn and Device Support
> ASYN=/Users/andrewwagner/ASYN/asyn4-13-1
> AG34970=/Users/andrewwagner/ASYN/asyn4-13-1/instruments/ag34970
> # EPICS_BASE usually appears last so other apps can override stuff:
> EPICS_BASE=/Users/andrewwagner/EPICS/base-3-14-11
> in my config/RELEASE and I need to know the location of devAG34970.dbd located in AG34970/dbd . When I run make in MagnetCtrl to build my application I get the error:
> Expanding dbd
> /Users/andrewwagner/EPICS/base-3-14-11/bin/darwin-x86/dbExpand  -I . -I .. -I ../../../dbd -I/Users/andrewwagner/ASYN/asyn4-13-1/dbd  -I/Users/andrewwagner/EPICS/base-3-14-11/dbd -o ../O.Common/MagnetCtrl.dbd ../O.Common/MagnetCtrlInclude.dbd
> Can't open include file "devAG34970.dbd"
> Error at or before ""devAG34970.dbd"" in file "../O.Common/MagnetCtrlInclude.dbd" line 3
> Based on the message it seems that both ASYN and EPICS_BASE were properly included but AG34970 was not. I must be doing something wrong but can't figure out why it can't find devAG34970.dbd . In brief I'm trying to build an ioc where the device support is located in some other directory but am having trouble with the Makefile rules. Thanks very much for your help.
> Andrew

Re: IOC Build Error Andrew Johnson
IOC Build Error Andrew Wagner
RE: IOC Build Error Mark Rivers

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