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Subject: EDM start window position
From: Scott Baily <[email protected]>
To: John Dobbins <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:19:33 -0600
Yes, there is a way to specify the location of an EDM window from the commandline. For example -open screen.edl?300?400 will open screen.edl at X=300, Y=400 (You can also specify a display if your monitors are configured as separate displays). See:

However, I modified our copy of EDM to handle multiple displays in the same way as our previous display manager. Since our 6 monitor displays are configured as a single display, we run a separate copy of edm (with a different port) for each monitor. An environmental variable (set to the upper left hand corner for each screen) gets added to the window positions. Essentially, this make window positions relative to the upper left hand corner of the monitor. I can make the code available if anyone is interested.
Scott Baily
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545
ph: (505) 606-2260

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