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Subject: write record device support
From: [email protected]
To: tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 22:09:47 +0800 (CST)
Hi all! Sorry for ask serveal simple questions.

Here is what I'm doing:
I had write a regular Ioc application connect with a board using TCP/IP socket. In the IOC, I use the system record type like ao, ai, bi and etc. So I have many records or PVs. And for each record I should send or receive different message to the board.
Now I want to write a new record type(nodeRecord) by myself instead of using system record type. Maybe it is not a good method.
But I want to have a try.

In the new record type(nodeRecord), I turn the previously IOC records to the nodeRecord's fields.
And I can access the fields in the client using ca library.
But I can't know what field was processed in the device support so that I can't konw what message I should send to the board.
So how do I konw which field I was processed in the device support? 
Now I just compare the each field value and judge which field value was changed. This is too stupid.
Do you have any better ideals?

Thank you all!

RE: write record device support Mark Rivers

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