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Subject: Re: Is there an official EPICS collaboration membership?
From: "White, Greg" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:26:01 -0700
Hi Han,

At great personal risk, I will step up and offer an answer. 

There is no overall collaboration membership as such. However, there
are a number of collaborations within the EPICS community. Each is
organized a little differently, with different processes and formality.
Rather than list them all, let me list only those which I know have regular 
face-to-face meetings. For instance, these three will all meet among themselves
and with each other at SLAC prior to the EPICS meeting in October. Bob
Dalesio is preparing the agenda for the intergroup meeting.

1. The EPICS Version 4 Working Group [1]. This group is working
on the next major upgrade to EPICS, to enable a faster, richer processing
environment on top of EPICS Base IOCs. It's probably the most formal group,
organized as a standards body working group, aiming to produce normative 
work [3], a Charter governing yearly goals, with weekly telecons,  AIs, 
and so on. Co-chaired by Andrew Johnson and me. 

2. Control System Studio (CSS) [2]. This is a collaboration of labs
and individuals to create toolkit for writing graphical Operator Interfaces 
(OPI). I think Gabriele Carcassi, Kay Kasemir and Mathias Clausen are main

3. Relational Database group. This is primarily a collaboration between
BNL and FRIB, to define standard schema and applications for the relational
databases used for accelerators - magnet calibration, log books, recording
experiment configuration and so on. Bob Dalesio, or Eric Berryman are who
I would go to first for this, though I may be completely off in that. 

The web site "openepics" [4] hosts continuous integration for 1 and 2 above, plus
some other tools.

Many apologies in advance to all the people I have offended in this gross summary. 


[1] The EPICS Version 4 Working Group, http://epics-pvdata.sourceforge.net
[2] Control System Studio (CSS), http://cs-studio.sourceforge.net
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normative#Standards_documents
[4] https://openepics.ci.cloudbees.com
On Aug 28, 2013, at 8:17 AM, Jeong Han Lee <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear All,

   "Is there an OFFICIAL EPICS collaboration membership? or any
certificate for the membership? "

 I attended two EPICS meetings and presented my project (RISP) so far.
And I will attend upcoming EPICS meeting later at least once per each
year. Still almost no contribution to EPICS community yet, but I am
trying to follow all tech-talk emails so far.

   If there is one, please let me know how to join, and what
requirement do I have to prepare.



P.S. I am sorry about this question that, I know, doesn't fit into
tech-talk mailing list subject.

Jeong Han Lee, Dr.rer.nat.
Accelerator Systems Division
Rare Isotope Science Project
Institute for Basic Science
Daejeon, South Korea
cell : +82-10-7363-2083
tel  : +82-42-878-8733
fax  : +82-42-878-8799

Is there an official EPICS collaboration membership? Jeong Han Lee

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