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Subject: Re: newline in IOCSH_PS1 value
From: Eric Norum <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: epics <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 08:25:54 -0800
You’re trying this on linux? 
I just tried:
makeBaseApp.pl -t example example
makeBaseApp.pl -t example -i example
cd iocBoot/iocexample/
../../bin/linux-x86_64/example st.cmd
export IOCSH_PS1=“FOO
BAR> "
../../bin/linux-x86_64/example st.cmd
and got
. . .
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncExample, "user=enorumHost"

I didn’t type anything fancy on the export line — just a <return>.

I then added this line to the startup script:
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 "$(PROMPT)"
../../bin/linux-x86_64/example st.cmd
. . .
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncExample, "user=enorumHost"

export PROMPT="TWO
> LINER> "
../../bin/linux-x86_64/example st.cmd
. . .
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncExample, "user=enorumHost"

The fact that you get a complaint about PROMPT being undefined makes me think that there’s something weird with your linux shell — that it’s not actually passing on the environment properly.

On Feb 27, 2014, at 8:03 AM, Mark Davis <[email protected]> wrote:

Don't know why it doesn't work for for me.

I tried this first just using the name IOCSH_PS1 for my bash environment variable, which didn't work.

Figuring that the IOCSH_PS1 value might get some special treatment, or that something in the scripts we use to lauch the IOC shell are doing something of their own, I tried this:

In my bash shell, before launching the IOC shell:

davis-pc:/home/epics/R3.14.12.2/apps/mdlinux/iocBoot/iocFrib> export PROMPT=$'\nmdlinux> '


davis-pc:/home/epics/R3.14.12.2/apps/mdlinux/iocBoot/iocFrib> export PROMPT="    <--- typed Ctl+V, Ctl+J
mdlinux> "

Both of which produce the same effect: 

davis-pc:/home/epics/R3.14.12.2/apps/mdlinux/iocBoot/iocFrib> env



davis-pc:/home/epics/R3.14.12.2/apps/mdlinux/iocBoot/iocFrib> set | grep PROMPT
PROMPT=$'\nmdlinux> '

In the st.cmd file:

epicsEnvSet("IOCSH_PS1", "$(PROMPT)")

   which produces the error:

macLib: macro PROMPT is undefined (expanding string epicsEnvSet("IOCSH_PS1", "$(PROMPT)"))

  and I also tried:

epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 $(PROMPT)

    which produces the error:

macLib: macro PROMPT is undefined (expanding string epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 $(PROMPT))

Is there something special you have to do to get a particular bash environment variable to show up in the EPICS IOC shell?  If not, what determines which ones show up and which ones don't?

Mark Davis

Eric Norum
[email protected]

Re: newline in IOCSH_PS1 value Mark Davis
newline in IOCSH_PS1 value Mark Davis
Re: newline in IOCSH_PS1 value Eric Norum
Re: newline in IOCSH_PS1 value Mark Davis
Re: newline in IOCSH_PS1 value Eric Norum

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