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Subject: Writing areadetector driver- Getting array data to NDArray properly?
From: "Gomella, Andrew (NIH/NHLBI) [F]" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 00:12:27 +0000
Hi Everyone,

I am writing a driver for a Varian 3024m flat panel detector. I am having trouble in my driver getting the data from the panel into NDArrays. 

To get the data from the panel it is fairly simple, I pass a pointer to the dll (with the call vip_get_image) and it populates it with  ushorts. It looks like this:

USHORT *pFrame = new USHORT[this->sensorSize];
vip_get_image(this->ModeNumber, VIP_CURRENT_IMG_RAW, this->sensorWidth, this->sensorHeight, pFrame);

Next I attempt to get this data to NDPluginStdArrays with: 
(This is just one of many attempts, I tried my best to follow examples from other areadetector drivers, mainly Prosilica and PerkinElmer). 

NDArray *pImage;
dims[0] = this->sensorWidth;
dims[1] = this->sensorHeight;
if (this->pArrays[0])

this->pArrays[0] = this->pNDArrayPool->alloc(2, dims, NDUInt16, 0, NULL);
pImage = this->pArrays[0];
memcpy(pImage->pData, pFrame, arrayInfo.totalBytes);

setIntegerParam(NDArraySize,  arrayInfo.totalBytes);
setIntegerParam(NDArraySizeX, arrayInfo.xSize);
setIntegerParam(NDArraySizeY, arrayInfo.ySize);
setIntegerParam(NDDataType, dataType);
setIntegerParam(NDColorMode, colorMode);

getIntegerParam(NDArrayCallbacks, &arrayCallbacks);

if (arrayCallbacks) {

    doCallbacksGenericPointer(pImage, NDArrayData, 0);

Testing this, Tiff plugin gives me an error about not being able to open it and the Imagej Plugin just shows a black window with a  "UpdateImage got exception: pendIO timed out" error. My EPICS_MAX_CA_ARRAY_BYTES is set to 30MB, and all appropriate array callback/ image callbacks are enabled for this test. System is Windows x64, i7 processor, 16gb ram. Area detector 1-9-1.

My other attempts, which there are too numerous to mention here result in the app crashing.  

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Andrew Gomella

Imaging Physics Lab, NIH

RE: Writing areadetector driver- Getting array data to NDArray properly? Mark Rivers
RE: Writing areadetector driver- Getting array data to NDArray properly? Mark Rivers

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