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Subject: asyn, modbus and other modules moved to github
From: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 00:23:44 +0000

I have switched the repositories for all of the EPICS modules for which I am responsible from Subversion at the APS to git on github.com.

The modules are in the "epics-modules" project, https://github.com/epics-modules.  This is the same project with Stephanie Allison's iocStats and Ralph Lange's MCoreUtils.

These new repositories are:


All previous tagged releases are available for each module as tar.gz or zip files.  Users who want to test the latest version can clone and checkout the "master" branch.

If you find a problem with a module please create a new github "Issue".

If you would like to contribute a change please use the github "Pull request" mechanism.


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