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Subject: epicsExit (); function exits the IOC but the Linux console requires a resest to be operative
From: Diego Sanz <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 15:50:11 +0200
Linux Centos, 6.4
asynDriver asyn4-23

When my IOC application find a situation that I want it to be finished, which is the best way to do it? I have used epicsExit(0), and the function that I registered for exit is executed correctly, but when the IOC shell ends, the console requires to write "reset" command to recover the echo of the console, and its correct working. Is there any reason for this? is it normal?

Thanks in advance



Re: epicsExit (); function exits the IOC but the Linux console requires a resest to be operative Michael Davidsaver
Re: epicsExit (); function exits the IOC but the Linux console requires a resest to be operative Andrew Johnson

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