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Subject: Re: record to record ...
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 14:21:49 +0200
On 15/07/2015 14:02, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
On Monday 13 July 2015 14:35:49 Kasemir, Kay wrote:
In principle, you can read include/link.h to get the 'record' pointer
of a link, cast that to the appropriate type, ...

But that's a bad idea because you'd directly access the memory of that
other record without it being locked.
It is possible to do this correctly, using the runtime database access
methods: in the init routine you call dbNameToAddr, store the address of
the dbAddr struct in the record's DPVT and in the subroutine place calls
to dbScanLock/Unlock around a call to dbPutField.

Note, though, that by doing this you are evading the lock-set mechanism, which might get you into trouble - depending on your database configuration.

Records interconnected by links are put into a common lock-set to avoid stack overflow situations with circular links. The described method effectively creates a link that will be undetected by the lock-set forming algorithm. Obviously, disabling safety functions will not affect you in safe situations, but...


Re: record to record ... Ralph Lange
record to record ... Stefen Paul
Re: record to record ... Kasemir, Kay
Re: record to record ... Benjamin Franksen

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