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Subject: DAQmxBase with ni usb 6501
From: Alireza Panna <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 17:52:10 -0400

I am trying to use the DAQmxBase app https://sourceforge.net/p/epics/svn/HEAD/tree/applications/trunk/DAQmxBase/ with the ni usb 6501 digital io daq.

Here are the specifics of my set up:
centos 7 (x86_64) 
uname -a
Linux dt-imblin115 3.10.75-rt80 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Sep 13 16:42:52 EDT 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

EPICS Configuration:

NIDAQmxBase version 15.0.0
[admin@dt-imblin115 Desktop]$ lsdaq
Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
Found the following DAQ Devices:
NI USB-6501: "Dev1"    (USB0::0x3923::0x718A::01B27D57::RAW)

I am able to read/write to digital ports using the example C code provide with nidaqmxbase drivers.
I don't have nidaqmx drivers compiled.

I compiled the DAQmxBase app and tried to run the digout.cmd with the following output:
[admin@dt-imblin115 iocDAQmxBase]$ ../../bin/linux-x86_64/DAQmxBase digout.cmd
cd ../../
# Load binaries on architectures that need to do so.
# VXWORKS_ONLY, LINUX_ONLY and RTEMS_ONLY are macros that resolve
# to a comment symbol on architectures that are not the current
# build architecture, so they can be used liberally to do architecture
# specific things. Alternatively, you can include an architecture
# specific file.
#$(VXWORKS_ONLY)ld < bin/$(ARCH)/DAQmxBase.munch
#ld < bin/linux-x86_64/DAQmxBase.munch
## Register all support components
## Load record instances
DAQmxBaseConfig("myport1", "Dev1/port2/line0", 0, "BO","N=1 F=0 m=0 M=5")
Setting daqMode on myport1 = BO
Option = N=1
Option = F=0
Option = m=0
Option = M=5
Created port "myport1" with devices: "Dev1/port2/line0"
asynSetTraceMask("myport1", 0,0x11)
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.14.12.5 $Date: Tue 2015-03-24 09:57:35 -0500$
## EPICS Base built Sep 13 2016
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 drvDaqMxBase::drvUserCreate, attempting to create cmd: DATA
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 drvDaqMxBase::drvUserCreate, command created: DATA
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 drvDaqMxBase::drvUserCreate, attempting to create cmd: DATA
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 drvDaqMxBase::drvUserCreate, command created: DATA
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 myport1 asynManager::queueLockPort locking port
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 dmbRead: command = 0 (DATA), signal = 0
2016/09/15 17:46:26.498 myport1 queueUnlockPort
iocRun: All initialization complete
asynSetTraceMask("myport1", 0,0x01)
[epics@ipl]:~$ dbl
[epics@ipl]:~$ dbpf "XXX:DATA", "0"
DBR_USHORT:         0         0x0                 
[epics@ipl]:~$ 2016/09/15 17:46:44.554 ### DAQmx ERROR (StartTask): VISA Close in DAQmxBase Stop Task 92xx.vi:2540001->DAQmxBase Stop Task.vi:940001->DAQmxBaseStopTask.vi->DAQmxBaseStopTask.vi.ProxyCaller

I am not sure what this error means. Any help is appreciated. 

Thank you


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