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Subject: RE: Simple alarm monitor
From: Rolf Keitel via Tech-talk <[email protected]>
To: Bo Jakobsen <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 19:52:07 +0000

Hi Bo,


You don’t say what platform you want to run this on.


The old EPICS alarm handler alh, a standard EPICS extension would do what you want (alh is using Motif, but not maintained any more).




We have a fully alh-compatible alarm handler which uses Qt. It is run here as the production alarm handler.



- rolf -


Rolf Keitel, Ph.D

TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall

Vancouver, BC, V6T 2A3

Tel.: 604 222 7453

e-mail: [email protected]


From: [email protected] <[email protected]> On Behalf Of Bo Jakobsen via Tech-talk
Sent: January 22, 2019 2:00 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Simple alarm monitor


Hi all

I am looking for a "simple alarm monitor".
The ones I found all seems to be to large a framework to set up for what I am trying to do on a small scale.

I would just like a monitor program which monitors a small number of PV's (order of 50)

* Writes to a log when the PV goes into or out of Alarm status

* Potentially can call a external program the an alarm happens (for e.g. sending a text messeage or mail).

I was considering to write something in python, but if something like this already exists that would be easier :-)




Re: Simple alarm monitor Maren Purves via Tech-talk
Simple alarm monitor Bo Jakobsen via Tech-talk

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