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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: Calling external program and read return value into record
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Christian Pauly <pauly at physik.uni-wuppertal.de>
Cc: Tim Mooney <mooney at aps.anl.gov>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:41:29 +0000
Hi Christian,

> It was a stupid mistake I made, the solution was easy:
> In the record definition of the scalcout record i was missing the
> DTYP "Soft Module"
> field.
> Adding this got it working...

I am confused, adding that DTYP field should not be necessary, I believe it should be the default.

This is an example of a working scalcout record in one of my databases.  Note that it does not specify DTYP.

record(scalcout,"$(P)DP41:$(S):sp_HIHI3") {
        field(INPA,"$(P)DP41:$(S):times102.VAL  NPP NMS")
        field(INAA,"$(P)DP41:$(S):spHIHI.SVAL  NPP NMS")
        field(OUT,"$(P)DP41:$(S):sendHIHI_RAM.VAL  PP MS")
        field(OOPT,"When Non-zero")
        field(DOPT,"Use OCAL")

Can you tell me what version of EPICS base and calc you are using?

Perhaps Tim has some ideas?


From: Christian Pauly <pauly at physik.uni-wuppertal.de>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 6:45 AM
To: Mark Rivers
Subject: Re: Calling external program and read return value into record

Hi Marc

Thanks for the answer.

It was a stupid mistake I made, the solution was easy:
In the record definition of the scalcout record i was missing the
DTYP "Soft Module"
Adding this got it working...

Thanks again


On 8/14/20 1:43 PM, Mark Rivers wrote:
>> "2020/08/14 10:03:51.229277 _main_ CBM:Lauda:AirFlow: Wrong I/O link type CONSTANT"
> What versions of EPICS base and the calc module are you using?  I can't find that error string in base, 3.15.5, or 7.0.4 of base, nor in the master branch of the calc module.
> Are you sure your application was built with support for the scalcout module, and that there are not other errors before that in the IOC startup output?
> Mark
> ________________________________
> From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Christian Pauly via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 3:16 AM
> To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
> Subject: Calling external program and read return value into record
> Hej Folks
> Again i am facing the problem to call an external program (to read out a
> sensor), but this time i would like to get the stdout output from this
> program (the sensor value) into a record.
> I am trying to use the ExecuteDevice module for this, and basically it
> works. Here is what i do:
> record(bo,      "$(P)$(R)AirFlowRun")
> {
>     field(SCAN,   "1 second")
>     field(DTYP,   "execute")
>     field(OUT,    "@ReadFlow run")
>     field(FLNK,   "$(P)$(R)AirFlowStr")
> }
> record(stringin, "$(P)$(R)AirFlowStr")
> {
>     field(DESC,   "Measured Air Flow as String")
>     field(DTYP,   "execute")
>     field(INP,    "@ReadFlow stdout")
>     field(FLNK,   "$(P)$(R)AirFlow")
> }
> record(scalcout, "$(P)$(R)AirFlow")
> {
>     field(INAA,   "$(P)$(R)AirFlowStr.VAL")
>     field(CALC,   "AA")
> }
> The first record executes the external program, and once done it
> forwards to the second record to readout the stdout output. So far it works.
> Problem: The second record has to be a stringin record, so i have the
> output only as string not as number. record type ai is not supported by
> the EcecuteDevice module.
> In order to convert the string into a usable number i am trying to use
> the third "scalcout" record. It should retrieve the string via input
> link, and simply convert it to a float number.
> However: Specifying the input link "INAA" does not work, i get an error
> "2020/08/14 10:03:51.229277 _main_ CBM:Lauda:AirFlow: Wrong I/O link
> type CONSTANT"
> Acording to the scalcout documentation, it should be possible to use a
> link as input, so i dont get why this is not working...
> Or is there an even simpler way to achieve the goal ?
> As always: Any help or suggestionis very welcome !!
> Best regards,
> Christian

Dr. Christian Pauly
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften -
Gaußstraße 20, D-42119 Wuppertal
Tel: +49 (0)202 439-2625,
Fax: +49 (0)202 439-2662

Re: Calling external program and read return value into record Mooney, Tim M. via Tech-talk
Calling external program and read return value into record Christian Pauly via Tech-talk
Re: Calling external program and read return value into record Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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