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Subject: Re: GPIB remote control
From: Ralph Lange via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2020 11:11:41 +0100
Hi Mark,

On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 at 20:11, Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov> wrote:
This is not working.  I send commands and I don't get a response.  The notes on the RS-232/GPIB converter says it needs full flow control.  My startup script has these commands to talk to the Moxa:

drvAsynIPPortConfigure("serial2", "gsets11:4002 COM", 0, 0, 0)

Any idea why this would not work, when it did work with a local serial port?

I am baffled. You can configure the Moxa box remotely by setting the asyn options?
Honestly, I would never ever have expected that to work. Is that a Windows thing? Wait... or does the Moxa emulate a modem - AT commands and all?
Like Maren, I would always use the web interface on the Moxa to configure the serial line, before connecting with a telnet client to test and finally have the asyn IOC connect.

Really interesting.

Re: GPIB remote control Cobb, Tom (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) via Tech-talk
Re: GPIB remote control Maren Purves via Tech-talk
GPIB remote control Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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