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Subject: Re: SSEQ record does not "appear" to be demanding callback completion from an asynchronous record forward-linked to another asynchronous record
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: EPICS tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>, "Wang, Andrew" <wang126 at llnl.gov>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:11:00 +0000
Hi Andy,

I think your problem is with the WRITE_INST record in the second IOC.  It looks like perhaps you think that WRITE_INST will only write to the VAL field of SET_PROP, but not actually process the SET_PROP record.  Then you have PROCESS_INST that will process the SET_PROP record and wait for completion.

I think that would work if all of the records were in the same IOC.  However, the WRITE_INST link to SET_PROP is a CA link, and that will always cause the SET_PROP record to process if the field you are writing to has the PP attribute, which the VAL field does.  That is explained here:

which says:

The options for process passive are:

  • It is not possible to honor PP or NPP options; the put operation completes immediately but whether the destination record will process depends on the process passive attribute of the destination field.
  • CA - Force the link to be a channel access link.
So when WRITE_INST processes it forces SET_PROP to process, and then immediately links to PROCESS_INST.  PROCESS_INST will do a CA put, but SET_PROP will probably still be processing (PACT=TRUE).

If you combine WRITE_INST and PROCESS_INST into a single sseq record with WAIT1=Wait then I think it will do what you want.

I have not tested this, so I could be wrong.


From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Wang, Andrew via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 10:58 PM
To: EPICS tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: SSEQ record does not "appear" to be demanding callback completion from an asynchronous record forward-linked to another asynchronous record

Hi all,


Today I encountered something kind of interesting and would like to get some outside opinions.


To begin with, I have an IOC for an instrument that I shall call DemoInstr. I have a “setter” and “getter” record for one of its properties. The two records are shown below.


record(ao, “SET_PROP”)


                field(SCAN, “Passive”)

                field(DTYP, “stream”)

field(PRIO, "HIGH")

                field(OUT,  "@DemoInstr.proto setProp $(PORT)")

                field(FLNK, “GET_PROP”)



record(ai, “GET_PROP”)


                field(SCAN, “Passive”)

                field(DTYP, “stream”)

                field(INP,  "@DemoInstr.proto getProp $(PORT)")



In a separate IOC that I shall call Setup, I declared a SEQ record called “WRITE_INST” that should write a value into “setProp” when it is processed. Then, “PROCESS_INST”, a SSEQ record, will process because it is forward-linked to “WRITE_INST”. “PROCESS_INST” should wait for a completion callback with the way it is written. However, when “PRINT_SET_AND_GET” processes, it reports that GET_PROP still contains the previous value. Shouldn’t GET_PROP have been updated because of the completion callback? I feel like I am missing something in my understanding of completion callbacks.


record(ao, “VAL”)


                field(SCAN, “Passive”)



record(seq, "WRITE_INST")


                field(SCAN, "Passive")

                field(SELM, "All")

                field(DOL1, “VAL")

                field(LNK1, "SET_PROP")

                field(FLNK, “PROCESS_INST ")



record(sseq, “PROCESS_INST")


                field(SCAN,  "Passive")

                field(SELM,  "All")

                field(LNK1,  "SET_PROP.PROC CA")

                field(WAIT1, "Wait")

                field(FLNK, “PRINT_SET_AND_GET”)



record(aSub, “PRINT_SET_AND_GET")


                field(SCAN,  "Passive")

                field(SNAM, “print_set_and_get”)

                field(INPA, “SET_PROP”)

                field(INPB, “GET_PROP”)



Thank you,



Purple ribbon awareness


RE: SSEQ record does not "appear" to be demanding callback completion from an asynchronous record forward-linked to another asynchronous record Wang, Andrew via Tech-talk
SSEQ record does not "appear" to be demanding callback completion from an asynchronous record forward-linked to another asynchronous record Wang, Andrew via Tech-talk

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