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Subject: Re: 'CAS-client' failed in ../../../src/ioc/db/dbEvent.c line 781
From: Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: 王群要 <wangqy at ihep.ac.cn>, tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 13:41:07 +0200
On 9/6/23 17:02, 王群要 via Tech-talk wrote:

I am observing occasional/intermittent error in the EPICS IOC running on arm linux.


This is a long standing issue, which no one has so far been able to isolate or reproduce.

By chance have you noticed any pattern in when this occurs?

A call to 'assert(ev_que->evque[ev_que->putix] == EVENTQEMPTY)'

     by thread 'CAS-client' failed in ../../../src/ioc/db/dbEvent.c line 781.

EPICS Release EPICS R3.15.6.

Local time is 2023-09-06 16:48:41.207033697 CST

Please E-mail this message to the author or to tech-talk at aps.anl.gov

Calling epicsThreadSuspendSelf()

Thread CAS-client (0xb5e023f0) suspended

Do you have any insights on how to avoid this error?

Thank you!

Qunyao Wang

'CAS-client' failed in ../../../src/ioc/db/dbEvent.c line 781 王群要 via Tech-talk

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