pvaccess module is a python wrapper for pvAccess and other EPICS V4 C++ libraries.


class pvaccess.PvObject

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

PvObject represents a generic PV structure.

PvObject(structureDict [,valueDict][,typeId])

Parameter:structureDict (dict) - dictionary of key:value pairs describing the underlying PV structure in terms of field names and their types

The dictionary key is a string (PV field name), and value is one of:

  • [PVTYPE]: single element list representing scalar array
  • {key:value, …}: structure
  • [{key:value, …}]: single element list representing structure array
  • (): variant union
  • [()]: single element list representing variant union array
  • ({key:value, …},): restricted union
  • [({key:value, …},)]: single element list representing restricted union array
Parameter:valueDict (dict) - (optional) dictionary of key:value pairs to be used to set field values in the underlying PV structure
Raises:InvalidArgument - in case structure dictionary cannot be parsed
Parameter:typeId (str) - (optional) The type ID string of the PV structure

Examples of PvObject initialization:

pv1 = PvObject({'anInt' : INT})

pv2 = PvObject({'aShort' : SHORT, 'anUInt' : UINT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv3 = PvObject({'aStringArray' : [STRING], 'aStruct' : {'aString2' : STRING, 'aBoolArray' : [BOOLEAN], 'aStruct2' : {'aFloat' : FLOAT, 'aString3' : [STRING]}}})

pv4 = PvObject({'aStructArray' : [{'anInt' : INT, 'anInt2' : INT, 'aDouble' : DOUBLE}]})

pv5 = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aDouble' : DOUBLE},)})

pv6 = PvObject({'aVariant' : ()})

pv7 = PvObject({'value' : DOUBLE}, 'epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0')

In addition to various set/get methods described below, PvObject elements can be accessed and manipulated similar to dictionaries:

>>> pv = PvObject({'a' : {'b' : STRING, 'c' : FLOAT}}, {'a' : {'b' : 'my string', 'c' : 10.1}})
>>> print(pv)
    structure a
        float c 10.1
        string b my string
>>> pv['a.b']
'my string'
>>> pv['a.c']
>>> print('a.b' in pv)
>>> print('a.d' in pv)
>>> pv['a.b'] = 'updated string'
>>> pv['a.c'] = 20.2
>>> print(pv)
    structure a
        float c 20.2
        string b updated string

Note that compiling pvaPy with Boost.NumPy allows one to retrieve numeric scalar arrays as read-only NumPy arrays:

>>> pv = PvObject({'a' : {'b' : STRING, 'c' : [INT]}}, {'a' : {'b' : 'my string', 'c' : [1,2,3,4,5]}})
>>> print(pv)
    structure a
        int[] c [1,2,3,4,5]
        string b my string
>>> print(pv.useNumPyArrays)
>>> c = pv['a.c']
>>> c
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=int32)
>>> type(c)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> pv.useNumPyArrays = False
>>> c2 = pv['a.c']
>>> c2
>>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> type(c2)
<type 'list'>

One can also set numeric scalar arrays using NumPy arrays:

>>> pv = PvObject({'a' : [SHORT]})
>>> b = numpy.array([11,22,33,44,55,66,77], dtype=numpy.dtype('int16'))
>>> print(b)
([11 22 33 44 55 66 77], dtype=int16)
>>> pv['a'] = b
>>> print(pv)
    short[] a [11,22,33,44,55,66,77]
createUnionArrayElementField((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) → PvObject :
createUnionArrayElementField((str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Creates union field object for an union array assigned to a given field name.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be created
Returns:PV object for new union field
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union array
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)], 'aString' : STRING})

unionPv = pv.createUnionArrayElementField('anUnionArray', 'anInt')
createUnionArrayElementField((str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Creates union field object for an union array from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union array field named ‘value’.

Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be created
Returns:PV object for new union field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union array field or multiple-field structure has no union array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)]})

unionPv = pv.createUnionArrayElementField('anInt')
createUnionField((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) → PvObject :
createUnionField((str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Creates union field object for an union assigned to a given field name.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be created
Returns:PV object for new union field
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

createdPv = pv.createUnionField('anUnion', 'anInt')
createUnionField((str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Creates union field object for an union from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be created
Returns:PV object for new union field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

createdPv = pv.createUnionField('anInt')
get((PvObject)arg1) → dict :
get() => dict :

Retrieves PV structure as python dictionary.

Returns:python key:value dictionary representing current PV structure in terms of field names and their values
pv = PvObject({'anInt' : INT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.set({'anInt' : 1})

valueDict = pv.get()
getBoolean((PvObject)arg1) → bool :
getBoolean() => bool :

Retrieves boolean value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has boolean field named ‘value’.

Returns:boolean value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no boolean field or multiple-field structure has no boolean ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aBoolean' : BOOLEAN})

value = pv.getBoolean()
getBoolean((str)fieldName) => bool :

Retrieves boolean value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:boolean value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a boolean
pv = PvObject({'aBoolean' : BOOLEAN, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getBoolean('aBoolean')
getByte((PvObject)arg1) → str :
getByte() => str :

Retrieves byte (character) value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has byte field named ‘value’.

Returns:byte value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no byte field or multiple-field structure has no byte ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aByte' : BYTE})

value = pv.getByte()
getByte((str)fieldName) => str :

Retrieves byte (character) value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:byte value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a byte
pv = PvObject({'aByte' : BYTE, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getByte('aByte')
getDouble((PvObject)arg1) → float :
getDouble() => float :

Retrieves double value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has double field named ‘value’.

Returns:double value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no double field or multiple-field structure has no double ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aDouble' : DOUBLE})

value = pv.getDouble()
getDouble((str)fieldName) => float :

Retrieves double value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:double value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a double
pv = PvObject({'aDouble' : DOUBLE, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getDouble('aDouble')
getFloat((PvObject)arg1) → float :
getFloat() => float :

Retrieves float value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has float field named ‘value’.

Returns:float value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no float field or multiple-field structure has no float ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aFloat' : FLOAT})

value = pv.getFloat()
getFloat((str)fieldName) => float :

Retrieves float value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:float value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a float
pv = PvObject({'aFloat' : FLOAT, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getFloat('aFloat')
getInt((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getInt() => int :

Retrieves int value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has int field named ‘value’.

Returns:int value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no int field or multiple-field structure has no int ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anInt' : INT})

value = pv.getInt()
getInt((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves int value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:int value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an int
pv = PvObject({'anInt' : INT, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getInt('anInt')
getIntrospectionDict((PvObject)arg1) → dict :
getIntrospectionDict() => dict :

Retrieves PV structure definition as python dictionary (same as getStructureDict() method).

Returns:python key:value dictionary representing PV structure definition in terms of field names and their types (introspection dictionary)
introspectionDict = pv.getIntrospectionDict()
getLong((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getLong() => int :

Retrieves long value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has long field named ‘value’.

Returns:long value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no long field or multiple-field structure has no long ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aLong' : LONG})

value = pv.getLong()
getLong((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves short value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:long value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a long
pv = PvObject({'aLong' : LONG, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getLong('aLong')
getPyObject((PvObject)arg1) → object :
getPyObject() => object :

Retrieves value object from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has field named ‘value’.

Returns:value object
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no field or multiple-field structure has no ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getPyObject()
getPyObject((str)fieldPath) => object :

Retrieves value object assigned to the given PV field path, which uses ‘.’ as the field name separator.

Parameter:fieldPath (str) - field path
Returns:value object
Raises:FieldNotFound - when a part of the specified field path is not found
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING, 'aStruct' : {'anInt' : INT, 'aString2' : STRING}})

value = pv.getPyObject('aString')

value2 = pv.getPyObject('aStruct.aString2')
getScalarArray((PvObject)arg1) → list :
getScalarArray() => list :

Retrieves scalar array value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has scalar array field named ‘value’.

Returns:list of scalar values
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no scalar array field or multiple-field structure has no scalar array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aScalarArray' : [INT]})

valueList = pv.getScalarArray()
getScalarArray((str)fieldName) => list :

Retrieves scalar array value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:list of scalar values
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a scalar array

Retrieves scalar array assigned to the given PV field.

pv = PvObject({'aScalarArray' : [INT]})

valueList = pv.getScalarArray('aScalarArray', 'aString' : STRING)
getSelectedUnionFieldName((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName) → str :
getSelectedUnionFieldName((str)fieldName) => str :

Retrieves selected field name for an union.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:selected union field name
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

fieldName = pv.getSelectedUnionFieldName('anUnion')
getSelectedUnionFieldName() => str :

Retrieves selected field name for an union from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Returns:selected union field name
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

fieldName = pv.getSelectedUnionFieldNames()
getShort((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getShort() => int :

Retrieves short value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has short field named ‘value’.

Returns:short value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no short field or multiple-field structure has no short ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aShort' : SHORT})

value = pv.getShort()
getShort((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves short value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:short value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a short
pv = PvObject({'aShort' : SHORT, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getShort('aShort')
getString((PvObject)arg1) → str :
getString() => str :

Retrieves string value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has string field named ‘value’.

Returns:string value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no string field or multiple-field structure has no string ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getString()
getString((str)fieldName) => str :

Retrieves string value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:string value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a string
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING, 'anInt' : INT})

value = pv.getString('aString')
getStructure((PvObject)arg1) → dict :
getStructure() => dict :

Retrieves structure value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has structure field named ‘value’.

Returns:dictionary of structure key:value pairs
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no structure field or multiple-field structure has no structure ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aStruct' : {'anInt':INT, 'aDouble':DOUBLE}})

valueDict = pv.getStructure()
getStructure((str)fieldName) => dict :

Retrieves structure value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:dictionary of structure key:value pairs
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a structure
pv = PvObject({'aStruct' : {'anInt':INT, 'aDouble':DOUBLE}, 'aString' : STRING})

valueDict = pv.getStructure('aStruct')
getStructureArray((PvObject)arg1) → list :
getStructureArray() => list :

Retrieves structure array value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has structure array field named ‘value’.

Returns:list of dictionaries
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no structure array field or multiple-field structure has no structure array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aStructArray' : [{'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT}]})

dictList = pv.getStructureArray()
getStructureArray((str)fieldName) => list :

Retrieves structure array value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:list of dictionaries
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a structure array
pv = PvObject({'aStructArray' : [{'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT}], 'aString' : STRING})

dictList = pv.getStructureArray('aStructArray')
getStructureDict((PvObject)arg1) → dict :
getStructureDict() => dict :

Retrieves PV structure definition as python dictionary.

Returns:python key:value dictionary representing PV structure definition in terms of field names and their types (introspection dictionary)
structureDict = pv.getStructureDict()
getUByte((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getUByte() => int :

Retrieves unsigned byte (character) value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has unsigned byte field named ‘value’.

Returns:unsigned byte value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned byte field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned byte ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUByte' : UBYTE})

value = pv.getUByte()
getUByte((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves unsigned byte (character) value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:unsigned byte value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned byte
pv = PvObject({'anUByte' : UBYTE, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getUByte('anUByte')
getUInt((PvObject)fieldName) → int :
getUInt( (PvObject)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves unsigned int value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has unsigned int field named ‘value’.

Returns:unsigned integer value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned int field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned int ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUInt' : UINT})

value = pv.getUInt()
getUInt((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves unsigned int value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:unsigned integer value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned int
pv = PvObject({'anUInt' : UINT, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getUInt('anUInt')
getULong((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getULong() => int :

Retrieves unsigned long value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has unsigned long field named ‘value’.

Returns:unsigned long value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned long field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned long ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anULong' : ULONG})

value = pv.getULong()
getULong((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves unsigned long value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:unsigned long value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned long
pv = PvObject({'anULong' : ULONG, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getULong('anULong')
getUShort((PvObject)arg1) → int :
getUShort() => int :

Retrieves unsigned short value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has unsigned short field named ‘value’.

Returns:unsigned short value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned short field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned short ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUShort' : USHORT})

value = pv.getUShort()
getUShort((str)fieldName) => int :

Retrieves unsigned short value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:unsigned short value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned short
pv = PvObject({'anUShort' : USHORT, 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getUShort('anUShort')
getUnion((PvObject)arg1) → PvObject :
getUnion() => PvObject :

Retrieves union value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Returns:union PV object
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

value = pv.getUnion()
getUnion((str)fieldName) => PvObject :

Retrieves union assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:union PV object
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

value = pv.getUnion('anUnion')
getUnionArray((PvObject)arg1) → list :
getUnionArray() => list :

Retrieves union array value from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union array field named ‘value’.

Returns:list of union PV objects
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union array field or multiple-field structure has no union array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)]})

unionPvList = pv.getUnionArray()
getUnionArray((str)fieldName) => list :

Retrieves union array value assigned to the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:list of union PV objects
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union array
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)], 'aString' : STRING})

unionPvList = pv.getUnionArray('anUnionArray')
getUnionArrayFieldNames((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName) → list :
getUnionArrayFieldNames((str)fieldName) => list :

Retrieves list of field names for an union array.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:list of union array field names
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union array
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)], 'aString' : STRING})

fieldNameList = pv.getUnionArrayFieldNames('anUnionArray')
getUnionArrayFieldNames() => list :

Retrieves list of union array field names from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union array field named ‘value’.

Returns:list of union array field names
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union array field or multiple-field structure has no union array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)]})

fieldNameList = pv.getUnionArrayFieldNames()
getUnionFieldNames((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName) → list :
getUnionFieldNames((str)fieldName) => list :

Retrieves list of field names for a union.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:list of union field names
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

fieldNameList = pv.getUnionFieldNames('anUnion')
getUnionFieldNames() => list :

Retrieves list of union field names from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Returns:list of union field names
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

fieldNameList = pv.getUnionFieldNames()
hasField((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldPath) → bool :
hasField((str)fieldPath) => bool :

Checks if the PV object has field specified by the given path, using ‘.’ as the field name separator.

Parameter:fieldPath (str) - field path
Returns:true if path exists, false otherwise
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING, 'aStruct' : {'anInt' : INT, 'aString2' : STRING}})

hasField = pv.hasField('aString')

hasField2 = pv.hasField('aString.anInt')
isUnionArrayVariant((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName) → bool :
isUnionArrayVariant((str)fieldName) => bool :

Checks if an union array assigned to a given field name is variant.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:true if union array is variant, false otherwise
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union array
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)], 'aString' : STRING})

isVariant = pv.isUnionArrayVariant('anUnionArray')
isUnionArrayVariant() => bool :

Checks if an union array from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union array field named ‘value’, is variant.

Returns:true if union array is variant, false otherwise
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union array field or multiple-field structure has no union array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)]})

isVariant = pv.isUnionArrayVariant()
isUnionVariant((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName) → bool :
isUnionVariant((str)fieldName) => bool :

Checks if an union assigned to a given field name is variant.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Returns:true if union is variant, false otherwise
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

isVariant = pv.isUnionVariant('anUnion')
isUnionVariant() => bool :

Checks if an union from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’, is variant.

Returns:true if union is variant, false otherwise
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

isVariant = pv.isUnionVariant()
selectUnionField((PvObject)arg1, (str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) → PvObject :
selectUnionField((str)fieldName, (str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Selects field for an union assigned to a given field name.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be selected
Returns:PV object for the selected union field
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

selectedPv = pv.selectUnionField('anUnion', 'anInt')
selectUnionField((str)unionFieldName) => PvObject :

Selects field for an union from a single-field structure, or from a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Parameter:unionFieldName (str) - union field name to be selected
Returns:PV object for the selected union field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

selectedPv = pv.selectUnionField('anInt')
set((PvObject)arg1, (dict)valueDict) → None :
set((dict)valueDict) => None :

Populates PV structure fields from python dictionary.

Parameter:valueDict (dict) - dictionary of key:value pairs that correspond to PV structure field names and their values
Raises:FieldNotFound - in case PV structure does not have one of the dictionary keys
Raises:InvalidDataType - in case PV structure field type does not match type of the corresponding dictionary value
pv = PvObject({'anUInt' : UINT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.set({'anUInt' : 1, 'aString' : 'my string example'})
setBoolean((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setBoolean((object)value) => None :

Sets boolean value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has boolean field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no boolean field or multiple-field structure has no boolean ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aBoolean' : BOOLEAN})

setBoolean((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets boolean value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a boolean
pv = PvObject({'aBoolean' : BOOLEAN, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setBoolean('aBoolean', True)
setByte((PvObject)arg1, (str)value) → None :
setByte((str)value) => None :

Sets byte (character) value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has byte field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (str) - byte value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no byte field or multiple-field structure has no byte ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aByte' : BYTE})

setByte((str)fieldName, (str)value) => None :

Sets byte (character) value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (str) - byte value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a byte
pv = PvObject({'aByte' : BYTE, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setByte('aByte', 'a')
setDouble((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setDouble((object)value) => None :

Sets double value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has double field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (float) - double value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no double field or multiple-field structure has no double ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aDouble' : DOUBLE})

setDouble((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets short value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (float) - double value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a double
pv = PvObject({'aDouble' : DOUBLE, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setDouble('aDouble', 10.0)
setFloat((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setFloat((object)value) => None :

Sets float value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has float field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (float) - float value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no float field or multiple-field structure has no float ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aFloat' : FLOAT})

setFloat((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets short value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (float) - float value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a short
pv = PvObject({'aFloat' : FLOAT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setFloat('aFloat', 10.0)
setInt((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setInt((object)value) => None :

Sets int value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has int field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no int field or multiple-field structure has no int ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anInt' : INT})

setInt((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets int value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (int) - integer value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an int
pv = PvObject({'anInt' : INT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setInt('anInt', 10)
setLong((PvObject)arg1, (int)value) → None :
setLong((int)value) => None :

Sets long value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has long field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (long) - long value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no long field or multiple-field structure has no long ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aLong' : LONG})

setLong((str)fieldName, (int)value) => None :

Sets long value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (long) - long value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a long
pv = PvObject({'aLong' : LONG, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setLong('aLong', 10L)
setPyObject((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setPyObject((object)value) => None :

Sets value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (object) - value object
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no field or multiple-field structure has no ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING})

pv.setPyObject('string value')
setPyObject((str)fieldPath, (object)value) => None :

Sets value for the PV field specified by the given field path, using ‘.’ as the field name separator.

Parameter:fieldPath (str) - field path
Parameter:value (object) - value object
Raises:FieldNotFound - when a part of the specified field path is not found
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field does not match provided object type
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING, 'aStruct' : {'anInt' : INT, 'aString2' : STRING}})

pv.setPyObject('aString', 'string value')

pv.setPyObject('aString.aString2', 'string value2')
setScalarArray((PvObject)arg1, (list)valueList) → None :
setScalarArray((list)valueList) => None :

Sets scalar array value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has scalar array field named ‘value’.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no scalar array field or multiple-field structure has no scalar array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aScalarArray' : [INT]})

setScalarArray((str)fieldName, (list)valueList) => None :

Sets scalar array value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a scalar array
pv = PvObject({'aScalarArray' : [INT], 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setScalarArray('aScalarArray', [0,1,2,3,4])
setShort((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setShort((object)value) => None :

Sets short value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has short field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (int) - short value’
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no short field or multiple-field structure has no short ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aShort' : SHORT})

setShort((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets short value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (int) - short value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a short
pv = PvObject({'aShort' : SHORT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setShort('aShort', 10)
setString((PvObject)arg1, (str)value) → None :
setString((str)value) => None :

Sets string value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has string field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (str) - string value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no string field or multiple-field structure has no string ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING})

pv.setString('string value')
setString((str)fieldName, (str)value) => None :

Sets string value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (str) - string value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a string
pv = PvObject({'aString' : STRING, 'anInt' : INT})

pv.setString('aString', 'string value')
setStructure((PvObject)arg1, (dict)valueDict) → None :
setStructure((dict)valueDict) => None :

Sets structure value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has structure field named ‘value’.

Parameter:valueDict (dict) - dictionary of structure key:value pairs
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no structure field or multiple-field structure has no structure ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aStruct' : {'anInt':INT, 'aDouble':DOUBLE}})

pv.setStructure({'anInt' : 1, 'aDouble' : 1.1})
setStructure((str)fieldName, (dict)valueDict) => None :

Sets structure value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:valueDict (dict) - dictionary of structure key:value pairs
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a structure
pv = PvObject({'aStruct' : {'anInt':INT, 'aDouble':DOUBLE}, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setStructure('aStruct', {'anInt' : 1, 'aDouble' : 1.1})
setStructureArray((PvObject)arg1, (list)dictList) → None :
setStructureArray((list)dictList) => None :

Sets structure array value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has structure array field named ‘value’.

Parameter:dictList (list) - list of dictionaries
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no structure array field or multiple-field structure has no structure array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'aStructArray' : [{'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT}]})

pv.setStructureArray([{'anInt' : 1, 'aFloat' : 1.1},{'anInt' : 2, 'aFloat' : 2.2},{'anInt' : 3, 'aFloat' : 3.3}])
setStructureArray((str)fieldName, (list)dictList) => None :

Sets structure array value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:dictList (list) - list of dictionaries
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a structure array
pv = PvObject({'aStructArray' : [{'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT}], 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setStructureArray('aStructArray', [{'anInt' : 1, 'aFloat' : 1.1},{'anInt' : 2, 'aFloat' : 2.2},{'anInt' : 3, 'aFloat' : 3.3}])
setUByte((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setUByte((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned byte (character) value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has unsigned byte field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (str) - unsigned byte value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned byte field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned byte ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUByte' : UBYTE})

setUByte((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned byte (character) value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (str) - unsigned byte value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned byte
pv = PvObject({'anUByte' : UBYTE, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUByte('anUByte', 'a')
setUInt((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setUInt((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned int value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has unsigned int field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned int field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned int ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUInt' : UINT})

setUInt((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned int value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned int
pv = PvObject({'anUInt' : UINT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUInt('anInt', 10)
setULong((PvObject)arg1, (int)value) → None :
setULong((int)value) => None :

Sets unsigned long value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has unsigned long field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned long field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned long ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anULong' : ULONG})

setULong((str)fieldName, (int)value) => None :

Sets unsigned long value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned long
pv = PvObject({'anULong' : ULONG, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setULong('anULong', 10L)
setUShort((PvObject)arg1, (object)value) → None :
setUShort((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned short value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has unsigned short field named ‘value’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no unsigned short field or multiple-field structure has no unsigned short ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUShort' : USHORT})

setUShort((str)fieldName, (object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned short value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an unsigned short
pv = PvObject({'anUShort' : USHORT, 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUShort('anUShort', 10)
setUnion((PvObject)arg1, (PvObject)valueObject) → None :
setUnion((PvObject)valueObject) => None :

Sets union value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Parameter:valueObject (PvObject) - union value
Raises:InvalidArgument - when object’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

value = PvObject({'anInt' : INT})


setUnion((str)fieldName, (PvObject)valueObject) => None :

Sets union value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:valueObject (PvObject) - union value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidArgument - when object’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not a union
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

value = PvObject({'anInt' : INT})


pv.setUnion('anUnion', value)
setUnion((dict)valueDict) => None :

Sets union value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Parameter:valueDict (dict) - union value
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

pv.setUnion({'anInt' : 10})
setUnion((str)fieldName, (dict)valueDict) => None :

Sets union for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:valueDict (dict) - union value
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUnion('anUnion', {'anInt' : 10})
setUnion((tuple)valueDict) => None :

Sets union value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has union field named ‘value’.

Parameter:valueTuple (tuple) - union value, must contain dictionary as its only element
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)})

pv.setUnion(({'anInt' : 10},))
setUnion((str)fieldName, (tuple)valueTuple) => None :

Sets union for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:valueTuple (tuple) - union value, must contain dictionary as its only element
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union field or multiple-field structure has no union ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnion' : ({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},), 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUnion('anUnion', ({'anInt' : 10},)
setUnionArray((PvObject)arg1, (list)objectList) → None :
setUnionArray((list)objectList) => None :

Sets union array value for a single-field structure, or for a structure that has union array field named ‘value’.

Parameter:objectList (list) - list of PV objects, dictionaries, or tuples representing unions
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when single-field structure has no union array field or multiple-field structure has no union array ‘value’ field
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)]})

pv.setUnionArray([{'anInt' : 10}, {'aFloat' : 11.1}])
setUnionArray((str)fieldName, (list)objectList) => None :

Sets union array value for the given PV field.

Parameter:fieldName (str) - field name
Parameter:objectList (list) - list of PV objects, dictionaries, or tuples representing unions
Raises:FieldNotFound - when PV structure does not have specified field
Raises:InvalidArgument - when dictionary’s field name/type do not match any of the union’s fields
Raises:InvalidRequest - when specified field is not an union array
pv = PvObject({'anUnionArray' : [({'anInt' : INT, 'aFloat' : FLOAT},)], 'aString' : STRING})

pv.setUnionArray('anUnionArray', [{'anInt' : 10}, {'aFloat' : 11.1}])
toDict((PvObject)arg1) → dict :
toDict() => dict :

Converts PV structure to python dictionary.

Returns:python key:value dictionary representing current PV structure in terms of field names and their values
valueDict = pv.toDict()


class pvaccess.PvScalar

Bases: pvaccess.PvObject

PvScalar is a base class for all scalar PV types. It cannot be instantiated directly from python.


class pvaccess.PvBoolean

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvBoolean represents PV boolean type.


Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value
pv = PvBoolean(True)
get((PvBoolean)arg1) → bool :
get() => bool :

Retrieves boolean PV value.

Returns:boolean value
value = pv.get()
set((PvBoolean)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets boolean PV value.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value


class pvaccess.PvByte

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvByte represents PV byte type.


Parameter:value (str) - byte value
pv = PvByte('a')
get((PvByte)arg1) → str :
get() => str :

Retrieves byte PV value.

Returns:byte value
value = pv.get()
set((PvByte)arg1, (str)value) → None :
set((str)value) => None :

Sets byte PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - byte value


class pvaccess.PvUByte

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvUByte represents PV unsigned byte type.


Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value
pv = PvUByte(10)
get((PvUByte)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves unsigned byte PV value.

Returns:unsigned byte value
value = pv.get()
set((PvUByte)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned byte PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value


class pvaccess.PvShort

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvShort represents PV short type.


Parameter:value (int) - short value
pv = PvShort(-10)
get((PvShort)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves short PV value.

Returns:short value
value = pv.get()
set((PvShort)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets short PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value


class pvaccess.PvUShort

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvUShort represents PV unsigned short type.


Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value
pv = PvUShort(10)
get((PvUShort)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves unsigned short PV value.

Returns:unsigned short value
value = pv.get()
set((PvUShort)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned short PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value


class pvaccess.PvInt

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvInt represents PV integer type.


Parameter:value (int) - integer value
pv = PvInt(-1000)
get((PvInt)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves integer PV value.

Returns:integer value
value = pv.get()
set((PvInt)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets integer PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value


class pvaccess.PvUInt

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvUInt represents PV unsigned int type.


Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value
pv = PvUInt(1000)
get((PvUInt)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves unsigned integer PV value.

Returns:unsigned integer value
value = pv.get()
set((PvUInt)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets unsigned integer PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value


class pvaccess.PvLong

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvLong represents PV long type.


Parameter:value (long) - long value
pv = PvLong(-100000L)
get((PvLong)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves long PV value.

Returns:long value
value = pv.get()
set((PvLong)arg1, (int)arg2) → None :
set((int)arg2) => None :

Sets long PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - long value


class pvaccess.PvULong

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvULong represents PV unsigned long type.


Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value
pv = PvULong(100000L)
get((PvULong)arg1) → int :
get() => int :

Retrieves unsigned long PV value.

Returns:unsigned long value
value = pv.get()
set((PvULong)arg1, (int)value) → None :
set((int)value) => None :

Sets unsigned long PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value


class pvaccess.PvFloat

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvFloat represents PV float type.


Parameter:value (float) - float value
pv = PvFloat(1.1)
get((PvFloat)arg1) → float :
get() => float :

Retrieves float PV value.

Returns:float value
value = pv.get()
set((PvFloat)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets float PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - float value


class pvaccess.PvDouble

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvDouble represents PV double type.


Parameter:value (float) - double value
pv = PvDouble(1.1)
get((PvDouble)arg1) → float :
get() => float :

Retrieves double PV value.

Returns:double value
value = pv.get()
set((PvDouble)arg1, (object)value) → None :
set((object)value) => None :

Sets double PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - double value


class pvaccess.PvString

Bases: pvaccess.PvScalar

PvString represents PV string type.


Parameter:value (str) - string value
pv = PvString('stringValue')
get((PvString)arg1) → str :
get() => str :

Retrieves string PV value.

Returns:string value
value = pv.get()
set((PvString)arg1, (str)value) → None :
set((str)value) => None :

Sets string PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - string value


class pvaccess.PvScalarArray

Bases: pvaccess.PvObject

PvScalarArray represents PV scalar array.


Parameter:scalarType (PVTYPE) - scalar type of array elements
pv = PvScalarArray(INT)
get((PvScalarArray)arg1) → list :
get() => list :

Retrieves PV value list.

Returns:list of scalar values
valueList = pv.get()
set((PvScalarArray)arg1, (list)valueList) → None :
set((list)valueList) => None :

Sets PV value list.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values
toList((PvScalarArray)arg1) → list :
toList() => list :

Converts PV to value list.

Returns:list of scalar values
valueList = pv.toList()


class pvaccess.PvTimeStamp

Bases: pvaccess.PvObject

PvTimeStamp represents PV time stamp structure.


timestamp1 = PvTimeStamp()

PvTimeStamp(secondsPastEpoch, nanoseconds [, userTag=-1])

Parameter:secondsPastEpoch (long) - seconds past epoch
Parameter:nanoseconds (int) - nanoseconds
Parameter:userTag (int) - user tag
timeStamp2 = PvTimeStamp(1234567890, 10000)

timeStamp3 = PvTimeStamp(1234567890, 10000, 1)
getNanoseconds((PvTimeStamp)arg1) → int :
getNanoseconds() => int :

Retrieves time stamp value for nanoseconds.

nanoseconds = timeStamp.getNanoseconds()
getSecondsPastEpoch((PvTimeStamp)arg1) → int :
getSecondsPastEpoch() => int :

Retrieves time stamp value for seconds past epoch.

Returns:seconds past epoch
secondsPastEpoch = timeStamp.getSecondsPastEpoch()
getUserTag((PvTimeStamp)arg1) → int :
getUserTag() => int :

Retrieves user tag.

Returns:user tag
userTag = timeStamp.getUserTag()
setNanoseconds((PvTimeStamp)arg1, (object)nanoseconds) → None :
setNanoseconds((object)nanoseconds) => None :

Sets time stamp value for nanoseconds.

Parameter:nanoseconds (int) - nanoseconds
setSecondsPastEpoch((PvTimeStamp)arg1, (int)secondsPastEpoch) → None :
setSecondsPastEpoch((int)secondsPastEpoch) => None :

Sets time stamp value for seconds past epoch.

Parameter:secondsPastEpoch (long) - seconds past epoch
setUserTag((PvTimeStamp)arg1, (object)userTag) → None :
setUserTag((object)userTag) => None :

Sets user tag.

Parameter:userTag (int) - user tag


class pvaccess.PvAlarm

Bases: pvaccess.PvObject

PvAlarm represents PV alarm structure.


alarm1 = PvAlarm()

PvAlarm(severity, status, message)

Parameter:severity (int) - alarm severity
Parameter:status (int) - status code
Parameter:message (str) - alarm message
alarm2 = PvAlarm(5, 1, 'alarm message')
getMessage((PvAlarm)arg1) → str :
getMessage() => str :

Retrieves alarm message.

Returns:alarm message
message = alarm.getMessage()
getSeverity((PvAlarm)arg1) → int :
getSeverity() => int :

Retrieves alarm severity.

Returns:alarm severity
severity = alarm.getSeverity()
getStatus((PvAlarm)arg1) → int :
getStatus() => int :

Retrieves status code.

Returns:status code
status = alarm.getStatusCode()
setMessage((PvAlarm)arg1, (str)message) → None :
setMessage((str)message) => None :

Sets alarm message.

Parameter:message (str) - alarm message
alarm.setmessage('alarm message')
setSeverity((PvAlarm)arg1, (object)severity) → None :
setSeverity((object)severity) => None :

Sets alarm severity.

Parameter:severity (int) - alarm severity
setStatus((PvAlarm)arg1, (object)status) → None :
setStatus((object)status) => None :

Sets status code.

Parameter:status (int) - status code


class pvaccess.NtType

Bases: pvaccess.PvObject

NtType is a base class for all NT structures. It cannot be instantiated directly from python.


class pvaccess.NtTable

Bases: pvaccess.NtType

NtTable represents NT table structure.

NtTable(nColumns, scalarType)

Parameter:nColumns (int) - number of table columns

This example creates NT Table with 3 columns of DOUBLE values:

table1 = NtTable(3, DOUBLE)


Parameter:scalarTypeList ([PVTYPE]) - list of column scalar types (BOOLEAN, BYTE, UBYTE, SHORT, USHORT, INT, UINT, LONG, ULONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, or STRING)

This example creates NT Table with STRING, INT and DOUBLE columns:

table2 = NtTable([STRING, INT, DOUBLE])


Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that has a structure containing required NT Table elements:
  • labels ([STRING]) - list of column labels
  • value (dict) - dictionary of column<index>:[PVTYPE] pairs, where <index> is an integer in range [0,N-1], with N being NT Table dimension

The following example creates NT Table with 3 DOUBLE columns:

pvObject = PvObject({'labels' : [STRING], 'value' : {'column0' : [DOUBLE], 'column1' : [DOUBLE], 'column2' : [DOUBLE]}})

pvObject.setScalarArray('labels', ['x', 'y', 'z'])

pvObject.setStructure('value', {'column0' : [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'column1' : [1.1, 1.2, 1.3], 'column2' : [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]})

table3 = NtTable(pvObject)
getAlarm((NtTable)arg1) → PvAlarm :
getAlarm() => PvAlarm :

Retrieves table alarm.

Returns:table alarm object
alarm = table.getAlarm()
getColumn((NtTable)arg1, (object)index) → list :
getColumn((object)index) => list :

Retrieves specified column.

Parameter:index (int) - column index (must be in range [0,N-1], where N is the number of table columns)
Returns:list of values stored in the specified table column
valueList = table.getColumn(0)
getDescriptor((NtTable)arg1) → str :
getDescriptor() => str :

Retrieves table descriptor.

Returns:table descriptor
descriptor = table.getDescriptor()
getLabels((NtTable)arg1) → list :
getLabels() => list :

Retrieves list of column labels.

Returns:list of column labels
labelList = table.getLabels()
getNColumns((NtTable)arg1) → int :
getNColumns() => int :

Retrieves number of columns.

Returns:number of table columns
nColumns = table.getNColumns()
getTimeStamp((NtTable)arg1) → PvTimeStamp :
getTimeStamp() => PvTimeStamp :

Retrieves table time stamp.

Returns:table time stamp object
timeStamp = table.getTimeStamp()
setAlarm((NtTable)arg1, (PvAlarm)alarm) → None :
setAlarm((PvAlarm)alarm) => None :

Sets table alarm.

Parameter:alarm (PvAlarm) - table alarm object
alarm = PvAlarm(11, 126, 'Server SegFault')

setColumn((NtTable)arg1, (object)index, (list)valueList) → None :
setColumn((object)index, (list)valueList) => None :

Sets column values.

Parameter:index (int) - column index
Parameter:valueList (list) - list of column values
table.setColumn(0, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
setDescriptor((NtTable)arg1, (str)descriptor) → None :
setDescriptor((str)descriptor) => None :

Sets table descriptor.

Parameter:descriptor (str) - table descriptor
setLabels((NtTable)arg1, (list)labelList) → None :
setLabels((list)labelList) => None :

Sets column labels.

Parameter:labelList ([str]) - list of strings containing column labels (the list length must match number of table columns)
table.setLabels(['String', 'Int', 'Double'])
setTimeStamp((NtTable)arg1, (PvTimeStamp)timeStamp) → None :
setTimeStamp((PvTimeStamp)timeStamp) => None :

Sets table time stamp.

Parameter:timeStamp (PvTimeStamp) - table time stamp object
timeStamp = PvTimeStamp(1234567890, 10000, 1)



class pvaccess.Channel

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

This class represents PV channels.

Channel(name [, providerType=PVA])

Parameter:name (str) - channel name
Parameter:providerType (PROVIDERTYPE) - provider type, either PVA (PV Access) or CA (Channel Access)

Note that PV structures representing objects on CA channels always have a single key ‘value’. The following example creates PVA channel ‘enum01’:

pvaChannel = Channel('enum01')

This example allows access to CA channel ‘CA:INT’:

caChannel = Channel('CA:INT', CA)
get((Channel)arg1, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
get((str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Retrieves PV data from the channel.

Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data corresponding to the specified request descriptor
channel = Channel('enum01')

pv = channel.get('field(value.index)')
get() => PvObject :

Retrieves PV data from the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Returns:channel PV data
pv = channel.get()
getIntrospectionDict((Channel)arg1) → dict :
getIntrospectionDict() => dict :

Retrieves PV structure definition as python dictionary.

Returns:python key:value dictionary representing PV structure definition in terms of field names and their types (introspection dictionary)
introspectionDict = channel.getIntrospectionDict()
getMonitorMaxQueueLength((Channel)arg1) → int :
getMonitorMaxQueueLength() => int :

Retrieves maximum monitor queue length.

Returns:maximum monitor queue length
maxQueueLength = channel.getMonitorMaxQueueLength()
getPut((Channel)arg1, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
getPut((str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Retrieves put PV data from the channel.

Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel put PV data corresponding to the specified request descriptor
channel = Channel('enum01')

pv = channel.getPut('field(value.index)')
getPut() => PvObject :

Retrieves put PV data from the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Returns:channel put PV data
pv = channel.getPut()
getTimeout((Channel)arg1) → float :
getTimeout() => float :

Retrieves channel timeout.

Returns:channel timeout in seconds
timeout = channel.getTimeout()
isMonitorActive((Channel)arg1) → bool :
isMonitorActive() => bool :

Determines whether or not channel monitor is active.

Returns:True if monitor is active, false otherwise
monitorActive = channel.isMonitorActive()
monitor((Channel)arg1, (object)subscriber[, (str)requestDescriptor=field(value)]) → None :
monitor((object)subscriber [, (str)requestDescriptor=field(value)]) => None :

Subscribes python object to notifications of changes in PV value and starts channel monitor. This method is appropriate when there is only one subscriber.

Parameter:subscriber (object) - reference to python subscriber object (e.g., python function) that will be executed when PV value changes
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - describes what PV data should be sent to subscribed channel clients
def echo(x):

    print 'New PV value: ', x

channel.monitor(echo, 'field(value,alarm,timeStamp)')
put((Channel)arg1, (PvObject)pvObject, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
put((PvObject)pvObject, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns PV data to the channel process variable.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be assigned to channel PV according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
channel = Channel('enum01')

channel.put(PvInt(1), 'field(value.index)')
put((PvObject)pvObject) => None :

Assigns PV data to the channel process variable using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be assigned to the channel process variable
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

put((list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV according to the specified request descriptor.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((list)valueList) => None :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('intArray01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns float data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns float data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('exampleFloat')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns double data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Puts double data into the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('double01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('boolean01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ubyte01')

put((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((str)value) => None :

Assigns byte data to the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('byte01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ushort01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns short data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('short01')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned integer data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned integer data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('uexampleInt')

put((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns integer data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((object)value) => None :

Assigns integer data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

put((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((int)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ulong01')

put((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns long data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((int)value) => None :

Assigns long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('long01')

put((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns string data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
put((str)value) => None :

Assigns string data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('string01')

channel.put('string value')
putBoolean((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putBoolean((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putBoolean((object)value) => None :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('boolean01')

putByte((Channel)arg1, (str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putByte((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putByte((str)value) => None :

Assigns byte data to the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('byte01')

putDouble((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putDouble((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns double data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putDouble((object)value) => None :

Puts double data into the channel using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('double01')

putFloat((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putFloat((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns float data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putFloat((object)value) => None :

Assigns float data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('exampleFloat')

putGet((Channel)arg1, (PvObject)pvObject, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGet((PvObject)pvObject, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns PV data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be assigned to channel PV according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data corresponding to the specified request descriptor
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

pv = channel.putGet(PvInt(1), 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGet((PvObject)pvObject) => PvObject :

Assigns PV data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be assigned to channel PV according to the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

pv = channel.putGet(PvInt(1))
putGet((list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleIntArray')

pv = channel.putGet([0,1,2,3,4], 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGet((list)valueList) => PvObject :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleIntArray')

pv = channel.putGet([0,1,2,3,4], 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns float data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns float data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleFloat')

pv = channel.putGet(-1.1)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns double data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns double data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleDouble')

pv = channel.putGet(-1.1)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleBoolean')

pv = channel.putGet(True)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUByte')

pv = channel.putGet(-10)
putGet((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((str)value) => PvObject :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleByte')

pv = channel.putGet(-10)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUShort')

pv = channel.putGet(1000)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns short data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleShort')

pv = channel.putGet(-1000)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned int data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - int value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned int data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned int value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUInt')

pv = channel.putGet(1000)
putGet((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns int data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - int value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns int data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - int value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

pv = channel.putGet(1000)
putGet((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((int)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleULong')

pv = channel.putGet(1000L)
putGet((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns long data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGet((int)value) => PvObject :

Assigns long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleLong')

pv = channel.putGet(-1000L)
putGet((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns string data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleString')

pv = channel.putGet('string value', 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGet((str)value) => PvObject :

Assigns string data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV’
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleString')

pv = channel.putGet('string value')
putGetBoolean((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetBoolean((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetBoolean((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns boolean data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (bool) - boolean value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleBoolean')

pv = channel.putGetBoolean(True)
putGetByte((Channel)arg1, (str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetByte((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetByte((str)value) => PvObject :

Assigns byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleByte')

pv = channel.putGetByte(-10)
putGetDouble((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetDouble((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns double data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetDouble((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns double data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - double value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleDouble')

pv = channel.putGetDouble(-1.1)
putGetFloat((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetFloat((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns float data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetFloat((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns float data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (float) - float value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleFloat')

pv = channel.putGetFloat(-1.1)
putGetInt((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetInt((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns int data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - int value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetInt((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns int data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - int value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

pv = channel.putGetInt(1000)
putGetLong((Channel)arg1, (int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetLong((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns long data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetLong((int)value) => PvObject :

Assigns long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleLong')

pv = channel.putGetLong(-1000L)
putGetScalarArray((Channel)arg1, (list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetScalarArray((list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleIntArray')

pv = channel.putGetScalarArray([0,1,2,3,4], 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGetScalarArray((list)valueList) => PvObject :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleIntArray')

pv = channel.putGetScalarArray([0,1,2,3,4], 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGetShort((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetShort((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns short data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetShort((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleShort')

pv = channel.putGetShort(-1000)
putGetString((Channel)arg1, (str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetString((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns string data to the channel process variable and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleString')

pv = channel.putGetString('string value', 'putField(value)getField(value)')
putGetString((str)value) => PvObject :

Assigns string data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV’
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleString')

pv = channel.putGetString('string value')
putGetUByte((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetUByte((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetUByte((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUByte')

pv = channel.putGetUByte(-10)
putGetUInt((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetUInt((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned int data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned int value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetUInt((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned int data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned int value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUInt')

pv = channel.putGetUInt(1000)
putGetULong((Channel)arg1, (int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetULong((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetULong((int)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleULong')

pv = channel.putGetULong(1000L)
putGetUShort((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → PvObject :
putGetUShort((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
Returns:channel PV data
putGetUShort((object)value) => PvObject :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘putField(value)getField(value)’, and returns new PV value.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
Returns:channel PV data
channel = Channel('exampleUShort')

pv = channel.putGetUShort(1000)
putInt((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putInt((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns integer data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putInt((object)value) => None :

Assigns integer data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - integer value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('exampleInt')

putLong((Channel)arg1, (int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putLong((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns long data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putLong((int)value) => None :

Assigns long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (long) - long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('long01')

putScalarArray((Channel)arg1, (list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putScalarArray((list)valueList, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV according to the specified request descriptor.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putScalarArray((list)valueList) => None :

Assigns scalar array data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:valueList (list) - list of scalar values that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('intArray01')

putShort((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putShort((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns short data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putShort((object)value) => None :

Assigns short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('short01')

putString((Channel)arg1, (str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putString((str)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns string data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putString((str)value) => None :

Assigns string data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (str) - string value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('string01')

channel.putString('string value')
putUByte((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putUByte((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putUByte((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned byte data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned byte value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ubyte01')

putUInt((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putUInt((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned integer data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putUInt((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned integer data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned integer value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('uexampleInt')

putULong((Channel)arg1, (int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putULong((int)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putULong((int)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned long data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (long) - unsigned long value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ulong01')

putUShort((Channel)arg1, (object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
putUShort((object)value, (str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to channel data according to the specified request descriptor
Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - PV request descriptor
putUShort((object)value) => None :

Assigns unsigned short data to the channel PV using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

Parameter:value (int) - unsigned short value that will be assigned to the channel PV
channel = Channel('ushort01')

setMonitorMaxQueueLength((Channel)arg1, (object)maxQueueLength) → None :
setMonitorMaxQueueLength((object)maxQueueLength) => None :

Sets maximum monitor queue length. Negative number means unlimited length, while the value of zero disables monitor queue. When monitor queue is disabled, incoming data is processed immediately by all python subscribers (i.e., there is no processing thread running in the background). When monitoring queue is full, channel will not be polled for new data. Default monitor queue length is zero.

Parameter:maxQueueLength (int) - maximum queue length
setTimeout((Channel)arg1, (object)timeout) → None :
setTimeout((object)timeout) => None :

Sets channel timeout.

Parameter:timeout (float) - channel timeout in seconds
startMonitor((Channel)arg1, (str)requestDescriptor) → None :
startMonitor((str)requestDescriptor) => None :

Starts channel monitor for PV value changes.

Parameter:requestDescriptor (str) - describes what PV data should be sent to subscribed channel clients
startMonitor() => None :

Starts channel monitor for PV value changes using the default request descriptor ‘field(value)’.

stopMonitor((Channel)arg1) → None :
stopMonitor() => None :

Stops channel monitor for PV value changes.

subscribe((Channel)arg1, (str)subscriberName, (object)subscriber) → None :
subscribe((str)subscriberName, (object)subscriber) => None :

Subscribes python object to notifications of changes in PV value. Channel can have any number of subscribers that start receiving PV updates after startMonitor() is invoked. Updates stop after channel monitor is stopped via stopMonitor() call, or object is unsubscribed from notifications using unsubscribe() call.

Parameter:subscriberName (str) - subscriber object name
Parameter:subscriber (object) - reference to python subscriber object (e.g., python function) that will be executed when PV value changes

The following code snippet defines a simple subscriber object, subscribes it to PV value changes, and starts channel monitor:

def echo(x):

    print 'New PV value: ', x

channel = Channel('exampleFloat')

channel.subscribe('echo', echo)

unsubscribe((Channel)arg1, (str)subscriberName) → None :
unsubscribe((str)subscriberName) => None :

Unsubscribes subscriber object from notifications of changes in PV value.

Parameter:subscriberName (str) - subscriber name


class pvaccess.PvaServer

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

PvaServer is a class that wrapps PVA server functionality. Channel data can be retrieved and manipulated using standard PVA command line tools and APIs.


pvaServer = PvaServer()  # Initializes server without any records

PvaServer(channelName, pvObject):

Parameter:channelName (str) - channel name
Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be exposed on the specified channel. Any changes to object’s field values will be reflected on the channel.
Raises:PvaException - in case of any errors
pv = PvObject({'x': INT, 'y' : INT})

pvaServer = PvaServer('pair', pv)  # Initializes server with first record

pv['x'] = 3  # The 'pair' channel will now have field 'x' value set to 3

PvaServer(channelName, pvObject, onWriteCallback):

Parameter:channelName (str) - channel name
Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be exposed on the specified channel. Any changes to object’s field values will be reflected on the channel.
Parameter:onWriteCallback (object) - reference to python object (e.g., python function) that will be executed on channel write.
Raises:PvaException - in case of any errors
# Server will call echo() any time clients write new value to the pair channel

pv = PvObject({'x': INT, 'y' : INT})

def echo(x):

    print('New PV value was written: %s' % x)

pvaServer = PvaServer('pair', pv, echo)
addRecord((PvaServer)arg1, (str)channelName, (PvObject)pvObject[, (object)onWriteCallback=None]) → None :
addRecord((str)channelName, (PvObject)pvObject [, (object)onWriteCallback=None]) => None :

Adds PV record to the server database.

Parameter:channelName (str) - channel name
Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object that will be exposed on the specified channel. Any changes to object’s field values will be reflected on the channel.
Parameter:onWriteCallback (object) - reference to python object (e.g., python function) that will be executed on channel write.
Raises:ObjectAlreadyExists - when database already contains record associated with a given channel name
Raises:PvaException - in case of any other errors
pv = PvObject({'x' : INT, 'y' : INT}, {'x' : 3, 'y' : 5})

def echo(x):

    print('New PV value was written: %s' % x)

pvaServer.addRecord('pair', pv, echo)
getRecordNames((PvaServer)arg1) → list :
getRecordNames() => list :

Retrieves existing channel names from the server’s database.

Returns:list of known channel names
recordNames = pvaServer.getRecordNames()
hasRecord((PvaServer)arg1, (str)channelName) → bool :
hasRecord((str)channelName) => bool :

Determines if server database contains PV record associated with a given channel name.

Parameter:channelName (str) - channel name
Returns:True if record exists, false otherwise
if pvaServer.hasRecord('pair'): print('Server contains the pair channel.)'
removeRecord((PvaServer)arg1, (str)channelName) → None :
removeRecord((str)channelName) => None :

Removes PV record from the server database.

Parameter:channelName (str) - channel name
Raises:ObjectNotFound - when database does not contain record associated with a given channel name
Raises:PvaException - in case of any other errors
update((PvaServer)arg1, (PvObject)pvObject) → None :
update((PvObject)pvObject) => None :

Updates server’s PV object. This method is atomic, but can be used only when there is a single record in the master database.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object with a structure equivalent to the structure of the object registered on the server’s PV channel.
Raises:InvalidRequest - when there is none or more than one record in the database
pv2 = PvObject({'x' : INT, 'y' : INT}, {'x' : 3, 'y' : 5})

update((str)channelName, (PvObject)pvObject) => None :

Updates server’s PV object on a given channel. This method is atomic, and should be used when there are multiple records in the master database.

Parameter:pvObject (PvObject) - PV object with a structure equivalent to the structure of the object registered on the server’s PV channel.
Raises:ObjectNotFound - when there is no record associated with a given channel
pv = PvObject({'x' : INT, 'y' : INT}, {'x' : 3, 'y' : 5})

pvaServer.update('myChannel', pv)


class pvaccess.RpcServer

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

RpcServer is class used for hosting PVA RPC services. One instance of RpcServer can host multiple RPC services.


rpcServer = RpcServer()
listen((RpcServer)arg1[, (object)seconds=0]) → None :
listen([(object)seconds=0]) => None :

Start serving RPC requests.

Parameter:seconds (int) - specifies the amount of time server should be listening for requests (0 indicates ‘forever’)
registerService((RpcServer)arg1, (str)serviceName, (object)serviceImpl) → None :
registerService((str)serviceName, (object)serviceImpl) => None :

Registers service implementation with RPC server. Typically, all services are registered before RPC server starts listening for client requests.

Parameter:serviceName (str) - service name (name of the PV channel used for RPC client/server communication)
Parameter:serviceImpl (object) - reference to service implementation object (e.g., python function) that returns PV Object upon invocation

The following is an example of RPC service that creates NT Table according to client specifications:

import pvaccess

import random

def createNtTable(pvRequest):

    nRows = x.getInt('nRows')

    nColumns = x.getInt('nColumns')

    print 'Creating table with %d rows and %d columns' % (nRows, nColumns)

    ntTable = pvaccess.NtTable(nColumns, pvaccess.DOUBLE)

    labels = []

    for j in range (0, nColumns):

        labels.append('Column%s' % j)

        column = []

        for i in range (0, nRows):


        ntTable.setColumn(j, column)


    ntTable.setDescriptor('Automatically created by pvaPy RPC Server')

    return ntTable

rpcServer = pvaccess.RpcServer()

rpcServer.registerService('createNtTable', createNtTable)

shutdown((RpcServer)arg1) → None :
shutdown() => None :

Stop serving RPC requests. This method is equivalent to stop().

start((RpcServer)arg1) → None :
start() => None :

Start serving RPC requests. This method is equivalent to listen(), and blocks until either stop() or shutdown() methods are invoked.

startListener((RpcServer)arg1) → None :
startListener() => None :

Starts RPC listener in its own thread. This method is typically used for multi-threaded programs, or for testing and debugging in python interactive mode. It should be used in conjunction with stopListener() call.

stop((RpcServer)arg1) → None :
stop() => None :

Stop serving RPC requests. This method is equivalent to shutdown().

stopListener((RpcServer)arg1) → None :
stopListener() => None :

Stops RPC listener thread. This method is used in conjunction with startListener() call.

unregisterService((RpcServer)arg1, (str)serviceName) → None :
unregisterService((str)serviceName) => None :

Unregisters given service from RPC server.

Parameter:serviceName (str) - service name (name of the PV channel used for RPC client/server communication)


class pvaccess.RpcClient

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

RpcClient is a client class for PVA RPC services.


Parameter:channelName (str) - RPC service channel name

This example creates RPC client for channel ‘createNtTable’:

rpcClient = RpcClient('createNtTable')
getChannelName((RpcClient)arg1) → str :
getChannelName() => str :

Retrieves channel name.

Returns:channel name
channelName = rpcClient.getChannelName()
getTimeout((RpcClient)arg1) → float :
getTimeout() => float :

Retrieves client timeout.

Returns:client timeout in seconds
timeout = rpcClient.getTimeout()
invoke((RpcClient)arg1, (PvObject)pvArgument, (object)timeout) → PvObject :
invoke((PvObject)pvArgument, (object)timeout) => PvObject :

Invokes RPC call against service registered on the PV specified channel, and with a specified timeout.

Parameter:pvArgument (PvObject) - PV argument object with a structure conforming to requirements of the RPC service registered on the given PV channel
Parameter:timeout (float) - RPC client timeout in seconds
Returns:PV response object

The following code works with the above RPC service example:

pvArgument = PvObject({'nRows' : INT, 'nColumns' : INT})

pvArgument.set({'nRows' : 10, 'nColumns' : 10})

pvResponse = rpcClient(pvArgument, 10)

ntTable = NtTable(pvResponse)
invoke((PvObject)pvArgument) => PvObject :

Invokes RPC call against service registered on the PV specified channel, with a timeout set previously (if not set, default timeout of 1 second will be used).

Parameter:pvArgument (PvObject) - PV argument object with a structure conforming to requirements of the RPC service registered on the given PV channel
Returns:PV response object

The following code works with the above RPC service example:

pvArgument = PvObject({'nRows' : INT, 'nColumns' : INT})

pvArgument.set({'nRows' : 10, 'nColumns' : 10})

pvResponse = rpcClient(pvArgument)

ntTable = NtTable(pvResponse)
setTimeout((RpcClient)arg1, (object)timeout) → None :
setTimeout((object)timeout) => None :

Sets client timeout.

Parameter:timeout (float) - client timeout in seconds