International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics
Control Systems
Associated Scientific Meetings
EPICS Collaboration Meeting
The next EPICS Collaboration Meeting will be held in conjunction with the
International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control
Systems (ICALEPCS) in Chicago. Some of our usual discussion items will be
covered in the ICALEPCS proceedings as much of the work being performed by
the collaborators will be presented at ICALEPCS. Be sure to attend the EPICS
panel discussion, Session M3B, Monday at 1400.
This agenda has three parts:
EPICS Meeting Times and Topics
ICALEPCS Talks related to EPICS
Notes on the other meetings - software sharing meeting on Saturday &
database meeting
There is no fee to attend and all evening activities are optional.
EPICS Agenda (with place holders for other meetings)
- this needs some more material
- any interested persons????? CEBAF tools?????? Planned Observing?????
Please contact Bob Dalesio to be placed on the agenda. thanks.
Here is the preliminary collaboration
meeting attendance list.
- Tuesday: (In place of the ICALEPCS Tours - we will need a small room
at the Swissotel)
- Archiver Functional SPecs and Design Ideas
- Channel Access V4 / Portable Server / CDEV vs. CA Client
- Online Add and Delete - modifiable address fields
- How does an IOC track external changes to outputs (like an AO/SM)
- replace defaultdct.sdr with an ascii file
- Sat: Software sharing - at the Swissotel - CDEV talk is part
of this
- Sun:
- Monday Morning: - at Argonne
- Oothuodt PSR upgrade - design / fallback / lessons learned
- Allison SLC - incorporation of EPICS for some low-level control
- Clausen DESY - status on CAN, H1, IRM
- Kowalkowski ANL - HIDEOS status
- Borland ANL - SDDS tools - status, tcl/tk use
- Cox SSRL - status
- Kowalkowski ANL - HIDEOS - status
- Borland ANL - SDDS tools - status, tcl/tk use
- Facts - details - problems - advice - in applications
- Monday Afternoon: - at Argonne
- Anderson ANL - Strip Tool
- Kerstiens LANL - EDD/DM status
- Kowalkowski ANL - Hideous update
- Vong ANL - MEDM update
- Clausen DESY - IDL - waveforms - save/restore FFT
- Tuesday Morning: - at Argonne
- Anderson ANL - ALH update
- Anderson ANL - update of 3.12.2
- Dalesio LANL - Save, Restore, and Warm Reboot
- Tuesday Afternoon: - at Argonne
- Kowalkowski ANL - PV Gateway, IOC server for pv and field names
- Winans ANL - Evolving from EPICS time stamp format to POSIX.4
time stamp format
- Lupton - Talk on Universal Application Environment
ICALEPCS Talks - relating to EPICS:
No information on the Posters that may be of interest is here.
- Monday Afternoon -
- McDowell?/Dalesio? - Panel Discussion of EPICS 2:00 forum that
we need to organize
- Lenkszus - The Advanced Photon Source Event System
- Kowalkowski - An Object-Oriented Approach to Low Level Instrumentation
Control and Support
- Chen - An Object Oriented Class Library for Developing Device
Control Applications
- di Maio -Toward a Common Object Model and API for Accelerator Controls
- Tuesday - Tour of Argonne - one of the two large EPICS installations
- Wednesday Monring -
- Hill - A server Level API for EPICS
- McGonegal - The Gemini Control System
- Lupton - Use of EPICS for Control of the Keck II Telescope
- Rivers - Beamline Control and Data Acquisition in the APS
- Thursday Morning -
- Control Theory Session
- Software Engineering Session
- Thursday Afternoon -
- Dalesio - Distributed Software Developmetn in the EPICS Collaboration
- Knott - Communication in SUpport of Software Sharing and
- Borland - Doing Accelerator Physics with SDDS, UNIX, and EPICS
- Clausen - Experience with Industrial Controls at DESY and Perspectives
- Tang - A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Logic and Classical Control
with EPICS
- Akiyama - Intergration of Modeling Program with Accelerator Control
Systems at TRISTAN
- Chowdhary - A Fast Feedback System for CEBAF
- Friday Morning
- Bickley - Management of Control System Data in an OO Database