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Subject: Release Numbers
From: [email protected] (Steve Lewis)
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 94 15:36:47 PST
At the September meeting at LBL, over lunch, we decided to make a
more meaningful standard for EPICS releases.  Please comment on my
transcription below, and when all is agreed, we can follow it.

Template: R.V.S.E

	-- R is the major Release number, which is changed only when
fundamental incompatibilities are introduced, such as Channel Access,
ascii files, and so forth.  Currently R=3.

	-- V is the minor Version number, which is changed when a new CVS
repository is generally published to the community.  This will only be
done in general for IOC core, *NOT* for extensions in single or small
quantities.  The upcoming release has V=12.  Whenever R changes, V
restarts at 1.

	-- S is the Site code.  After a distribution, each site can tailor
its "standard" to include only that device, record, and driver support it
desires for itself and its satellite sites; and to include and/or modify
the collection of extensions and unsupported clients and off-line tools.
I propose the following:

	A = APS
	B = LBL ("Berkeley")

Please let me know what other letters to use for the other sites.  I hope
single letters will suffice!

	-- E is the local Enhancement number.  This should be used just
as APS has used the "X" in 3.X up to now: as a site-specific release
that lets the local application developers and other users quickly
associate a set of extensions/unsupported/features/bugs with a short
string.  The "E" numbers at different sites would have no relationship.
Presumably these start at 1 whenever R.V changes.

When the next release is put on the mirrored repositories at LBL and LANL,
should we call it 3.12?  3.12.1?

	Steve Lewis

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